Directions to Lakeville christmas trees Lakeville MA
147 Rhode Island Rd (RT 79)
Lakeville •  MA • 02347

Map and Directions to Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm

Boston area - Rt 128 to Rt 24 to Rt 495 cape.  Take exit 5 Right on to Rt 18 to the first set of lights.  Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right. 
Look for the sign and the bear.
Bourne Bridge - follow to 495 N.   Take exit 5 left on to  Rt 18 to the first set of lights.  Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right.
Look for the sign and the bear.
Sagamore Bridge - Follow Rt 3 N to Plymouth.  Follow Plymouth directions
Boston area
Cape Cod area
Plymouth area -  Rt 44 to the Middleboro rotary.  Follow rt 18 towards Freetown. to the first set of lights.  Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right.  Look for the sign and the bear.
Plymouth area
New Bedford
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Road View
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Carved Sign
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Lakeville MA
Mockingbird Hill
Tree and Shrub  Care
Since 1987
New Bedford area - Follow Rt 140 to Rt 79.  Go right on 79 and look for the sign and Bear on your left just before you get to Rt 79.