"Black Knot tree"Tree Diseases - Black Knot"Black knot is a common and often serious disease of Plum and Cherry trees in New England. Once established, the disease becomes progressively more severe ea
ch year unless control measures are taken. Infected limbs and twigs lose vigor and may eventually die, and commercial plantings in which the disease becomes widespread are seldom economically viable to maintain. Black Knot can take over the foliar crown of a tree very quickly with the right weather conditions.¡¡ Black knot is occasionally found on peaches, and apricots but is seldom a problem on these trees."The fungus over winter's in knots on twigs and branches or in the infected wood immediately surrounding them. In the spring, infective spores (ascospores) are produced in sacs contained within tiny fruiting bodies on the surface of the knots. These ascospores are ejected into the air during rainy periods and are blown for moderate distances by wind currents. Only succulent green twigs of the current season's growth are susceptible to infection. Ascospores that land on them may germinate and cause infection if the twigs remain wet for a sufficient length of time."The value of these preliminary steps for increasing a trees longevity cannot be overemphasized. Established trees should be scouted each year for the presence of black knot, and infected twigs should be pruned and burned or buried before bud break.¡ It is important to prune at least 2-4 inches (5-10 cm) below each knot because the fungus grows beyond the edge of the knot itself. Fungicide programs can offer significant protection against black knot but are unlikely to be effective if pruning and sanitation are ignored.¡ Fungicide application will only work on a tree that has very few Knots.¡ Often by the time we get there the trees are completely covered and control is not an option."Normal growth is disrupted in the infected regions, and a knot is formed as the fungus causes the plant to produce tumor like growths. Knots may become visible by the late summer of the year of infection but often are not noticed until the following spring, when they begin to enlarge rapidly. New ascospores capable of spreading the disease may be formed in the young knots the year following infection but often are not formed until the second spring. The fungus continues to grow in infected wood during the spring and fall months, causing the knots to elongate several inches each year and eventually girdle affected twigs and branches."The primary goal of any black knot control program should be to limit the amount of ascospore inoculum available to cause infection. When establishing a new Plum or Cherry planting, avoid planting trees next to or downwind from an old or abandoned orchard with a significant black knot problem. Similarly, remove all wild Plum and Cherry trees (potential disease reservoirs) from fencerows or woodlands next to the planting site."Ascospores are potentially available from the time of bud break until terminal shoot growth stops.¡¡ Although the precise environmental conditions required for infection are uncertain, only a few hours of rain apparently are required at temperatures above 55° F. "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Dollar Spot"Lawn Diseases - Dollar Spot"Dollar spot is another common fungal disease of turfgrass. All of the commonly used turfgrasses including bluegrass, tall fescue, fine fescue, perennial rye an
d zoysia grass are susceptible to Dollar spot although some cultivars of each grass species have greater resistance to the disease."Dollar spot is most severe on lawns that do not receive adequate fertilization. Warm, damp nights that result in high humidity around the grass canopy for long periods of time are optimal for the growth of Dollar spot fungal spores. Injury is usually most severe when daytime temperatures are 70 to 80 degrees and the soil in dry. Excessive thatch and low soil nitrogen and potassium levels also promote Dollar spot development. "Dollar spot gets its common name from the size of the affected spots of grass in the lawn. Usually the spots will be about the size of a silver dollar. Large leaf spots or lesions develop across the entire width of the leaf blade and are light tan or whitish with a medium reddish-brown border. On coarser bladed grasses like tall fescue, the lesions may develop along the edges of the leaf blade and could be confused with Brown patch. Brown patch, however, has a much darker brown or purplish-black margin around the leaf spot. Dollar spot lesions are also typically 'pinched in' at the middle of the lesions giving an hourglass effect. Infected leaf blades eventually die leading to quarter or silver dollar sized dead spots in the lawn."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Forest Tent Caterpillars"Tree Insects - Forest Tent Caterpillars"The forest tent caterpillar is broadly distributed throughout North America. As with all tent caterpillars, there is just one generati
on each year. This caterpillar will not make a tent.¡ They feed in such large numbers it resembles a tent over the leaves. "Note square ends to egg casing, egg can be seen with naked eye on twigs prior to Spring hatch"The egg mass with its enclosed quiescent caterpillars is the overwintering stage. Eggs hatch and the first of the active larval instars appears in the early spring just as the buds of the host tree are begining to expand. The caterpillars grow rapidly and after feeding for about 2 months, spin cocoons and pupate. About 3 weeks later the adults appear and shortly thereafter the moths lay their eggs and die."This Caterpillar is often confused with Gypsy Moth.¡ Note the white spots across the top.¡ This caterpillar is generally not a problem but can be controlled with contact insecticide applications."Forest Tents can defoliate in out break populations.¡ Forest Tent out breaks are more numerous than Eastern Tent but not as often as Gypsy Moth.¡ 2006 and 2007 was the last time this insect was in out break populations."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Gypsy Moths, History and Life Cycle"Tree Insects - Gypsy Moths, History and Life Cycle"In 1870 an announcement was made by a well-known entomologist that a certain moth, ( Porthetria¡ Dispar ), was a
ccidentally introduced to New England.¡ This was a serious pest of ornamentals and forest trees in Europe, and has no natural predator to keep it in balance.Mr. Trouvelot lived at 27 Myrtle St. in Medford, Ma. , reported the escape of this pest.¡ He was in search of a silk moth that would survive in America.¡ He brought some eggs to his home where some adults or larvae escaped.¡ Nothing was ever done about the report and that is why we have periodic gypsy moth problems today. "Larva emerging from egg caseEgg cases can be seen with naked eye in Fall prior to Spring hatch"The larvae hatch from early April to late May depending on the weather.¡ The peak hatching period coinciding with the flowering of Shadbush Service Berry.¡ The tiny larvae often remain on the egg mass for several days before climbing the trees to commence feeding.¡ It spins a silken thread, suspends itself from a leaf, and is swayed by light breezes.¡ Early stages like this one are referred to as the & Balloon & instars.¡ They can be blown for miles during heavy winds.As the larvae matures its feeding habits change.¡ It feeds at night and descends from the tree to take refuge in the shade during the day.¡ On heavily infested plants they will continue to feed through out the day, be it trees, shrubs, and even turf grass. "The larva stage lasts about six weeks, each week is referred to as an instars.¡ After completing its feeding stage, the larva finds a sheltered place and pupates in a brownish-black pupil case.¡ The adults hatch from early to mid July.¡ Adult males are brown and can easily be seen flying around, females are white and can not fly far or of no real distance.¡ Males seek the females at the top of the trees, mate, and fly off to die.¡ After mating the females lay egg masses which will contain between 50-1000 larvae for the following year.¡ Both adults will die without feeding after mating."The only stage this insect can be controlled is the larvae.¡ To try to control the eggs, or the adult, would be a waste of time and money.¡ We are restricted as to what products we can apply to control this tenacious pest.¡ Most properties will have adequate control with one treatment.¡ In severe infestations more than one application maybe necessary.¡ The material used will target 90% of the insects at the time of application.¡ If high winds persist during heavy infestations, other gypsy moth larvae will blow or crawl onto your property."Gypsy Moth Larva DO NOT MAKE TENTS"5Th Instar Larva"Every year we get calls from clients stating they have Gypsy Moth Caterpillars.¡ Most of the time it is Eastern Tent Caterpillars, they see the tents in the crotches of the trees.¡ Sometimes they just see many Caterpillars and they are Forest Tents.¡ "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Long Arborvitae Hedge Project"Very Long Arborvitae Hedge"Mouse-over image to pause slide and read title (6 slides)"Click image to enlarge"Very Long Arborvitae Hedge"Snow Bend Protected Trimmed Hedge"
This arborvitae hedge had been neglected for a long time and desperately needed attention.It was the Longest Hedge we have ever done and it came out perfect.Now the property has a beautiful border that will withstand snow and be able to be trimmed easily."See the hedge pruning process below in the slide show."Click image to enlarge"The sides of the hedge can now be sheared from the ground using a 8' A- frame ladder.¡ No bucket truck will be needed for three to five years when the top should be reduced again at the client's request. This project took forty man hours to complete."Hi Tom,¡ It was a pleasure to work with you and your staff on the Arborvitae Hedge Project you completed for the Chestnut Hill Neighborhood in Assonet. Thanks again! "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"about Mockingbird Hill Tom and Margot"Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm was established in 1970 by Les < May Simmons. The Family cleared the land which is now the tree Farm and main facilities for
the Tree and Lawn care aspects of the business. With more land cleared it was Les < May's dream to plant Christmas trees. Les's first comment &We will plant trees and if they look good as they get older we can sell them at Christmas time, if not they will look pretty when it snows&. The trees were getting close to a saleable size about 1980. The Family decided to open the next year but we had no name to advertise. Although many names were discussed Mockingbird Hill was what they picked. Our early pruning practices we were shearing to hard and it made a very dense canopy in the trees. This proved to be perfect nesting grounds for Mockingbirds. We still have many Mockingbirds and we are located on top of a Hill. Les said &Mockingbirds will always land on the top or pinnacle of a tree, structure. Tom as a tree climber always climbs to the top of the trees he is working on& The name just fit with the location and the Family. The Tree farm first opened to the public as a cut your own operation in 1982. Les and May's son Tom began working with a Tree Service summers in 1973. He quickly fell in love with climbing trees. He worked for nine different tree firms before going on his own, and holds two degrees in Arboriculture and Urban Forestry from the University of Massachusetts. The Lawn Care division was started by Tom's wife Margot Simmons in 1991, who worked with Chemlawn for eight years becoming the specialist every one wanted . The Company has grown because of these people and the employees that have worked very hard to promote professionalism . It is our goal to provide the best plant health care to our customers each and every day."About Mockingbird Hill"Tom holds an Associates Degree in Arboriculture from the Stockbridge School of Agriculture, a B.S. in Urban Forestry and a B.S. in Coastal Ecology both from Umass Amherst. I have worked professionally in the field of Arboriculture since1973. If I do not know the answer off my head I know where to get it fast. I am on a first name basis with professionals at the Diagnostic Urban Forestry Lab there. Remaining current with biotic and a-biotic changes with insects and disease of ornamental trees and shrubs is a new game each year."Lady Bug"On her Lady Buggy"Margot is on a first name basis with Mary Owen, Turf Management and Dr Randy Prostak, Weed Management. Working with the Urban Forestry Lab allows Mockingbird Hill to get the right identification and current control measures for any insect or disease we find on your landscape plant materials in a quick and efficient manor."Learn more aboutMockingbird Hill Christmas Trees "Bird Man Tom has a unique perspective on viewing trees"Tom viewing tree tops"It is with great sadness that we inform you of Margot Simmons passing on 02/09/19.We will continue to offer the same continuous lawn care programs with the same quality and concern that we have in the past. We are committed to giving every client the best quality turf care management."Learn more"Tribute to Leavitt and May Simmons 2021"It is with regret that I have to inform you of the passing of Leavitt C. Simmons. He passed with a brief illness on 03/26/21. He was ninety years old and passed at home in his favorite room that he built with a great view of the farm and the many bird houses that he put up. His Son Tom and his Granddaughter Sarah were at his side when he passed. He is now reunited with his wife May. He and his wife May were the matriarchs of Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm. They started planting in 1973 and opened November 1982. We will miss them dearly. It is currently a third generation tree farm with a young fourth generation growing with the trees."Tom use to tell clients that the job is like &Playing cards with Mother Nature, every Spring She mix's up the cards, temperature, wind , rain, heat, etc& But these days its like she is adding cards to the deck. This is why it is crucial to be current in Horticultural education. All Mockingbird Hill Employees attend seminars on a annual basis to help them educate our clients about proper Plant Health Care.Over the past thirty six years of working with & Mother Nature& one phrase stands out in my mind. & Nature is unpredictable and is constantly changing.& Mockingbird Hill strives to give our clients the best possible workmanship in the Plant Health Care Industry. We are not a large company and we remain small for a reason. Quality."Tree Farm "Click image to enlarge"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"anthracnose diseaes trees"Tree Diseases - Anthracnose"Anthracnose is a fungus that will attack many Deciduous trees including Maples, Oaks, Dogwoods and London Plane trees.¡ London Plane and Dogwood
are the most common infections in Plymouth County.¡ Spores from past infection will re infect new foliage as it emerges.¡ Wet weather will increase activity.¡ The fungus will kill young leaves and spread to twigs and branches.¡ Feature trees may warrant control."Once the twigs die the ground below the tree becomes a litter ground of dead twig and some branches after a high wind or heavy rain storm.¡ No home owner would want this under a feature tree.¡ Commercial properties could not allow this scenario to continue in a parking area.¡ At this point control is questionable at best.¡ It would be extremely costly if not Arbor culturally impossible.¡ Do not let Anthracnose get to witches broom on feature London Plane Trees."Anthracnose rarely kills its host.¡ It will make plants look unsightly."Leaves have to be sprayed 3-4 applications every two weeks until they harden off.¡ Once the leaves have hardened off it is much more difficult for the fungus to penetrate the leaf.¡ Wet weather will determine how many application are necessary in a season."Dogwood Anthracnose effects mostly leaves.¡ All Dogwoods are susceptible.¡ Kousa Dogwood is the only resistant dogwood."Planting a &Mono Culture& many plants of the same species on the same driveway will increase the chance of getting a fungus like Anthracnose.¡ Many will plant a row of London Plane trees down both sides of a long driveway.¡ This species is known to be tolerant of heat stress and compaction making them a good choice for islands in parking lots.¡ The Anthracnose will start in the leaves looking like frost damage."The fungus will move down on the twigs killing as it moves down.¡ This causes new shoots to form with multiple 5-6 small shoots with leaves to form.¡ During wet weather the fungus will kill the new leaves and twigs."This is called &Witches Broom&.¡ There are many types of witches broom on many different species."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Brown Patch"Lawn Diseases - Brown Patch"The symptoms of brown patch vary according to mowing height. In landscape situations, where mowing height is greater than 1&, brown patch appears as roughly ci
rcular patches that are brown, tan, or yellow in color and range from 6& to several feet in diameter. The affected leaves typically remain upright, and lesions are evident on the leaves that are tan in color and irregular in shape with a dark brown border. When the leaves are wet or humidity is high, small amounts of gray cottony growth, called mycelium, may be seen growing amongst affected leaves. In close-cut turfgrasses (1& or less), brown patch develops in roughly circular patches, ranging from a few inches to several feet in diameter, that are brown or orange in color. Distinct foliar lesions are not visible and mycelium is typically not present, but a black or dark gray ring, called a smoke ring, may surround the brown patches. The smoke ring is evidence of active disease development and is only present when the turfgrass leaves are wet or humidity is near 100%."Brown patch is most severe during extended periods of hot, humid weather. The disease can begin to develop when night temperatures exceed 60°F, but is most severe when low and high temperatures are above 70°F and 90°F, respectively. The turfgrass leaves must be continuously wet for at least 10 to 12 hours for the brown patch fungus to infect. Poor soil drainage, lack of air movement, shade, cloudy weather, dew, over-watering, and watering in late afternoon favor prolonged leaf wetness and increased disease severity. Brown patch is particularly severe in turf that has been fertilized with excessive nitrogen. Inadequate levels of phosphorus and potassium also contribute to injury from this disease."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Brushog bull work"Brushog Bull Transforms Landscape"Bushes encrouching backyard lawn"Click images to enlarge"Cleared yard now with lawn that inspires"The brushog will go through this like a Bull.¡ If
the front end loader will push the brush down the Hog will eat it."The following Spring the lawn shines like a King.¡ From Brush and briars to a lawn that inspires."After the brushog mow's it down¡ The Backhoe was put on the tractor the next day to dig out major roots.¡ The stump grinder was used on bigger stumps."Debris piled for removal with the #1070 John Deere Tractor"John Deere tractor, Billy Goat brush mower and chain saws were the tool used"Plywood is put down on existing turf areas to minimize impact from the log loader."There was 5 truck loads of the debris to be taken to the stump dump"The area is now prepared to spread loam and seed this Fall."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Buried Alive a tree story"Buried Alive -the sad story of a memorial tree"Click images to enlarge"Do your research before you allow anyone to Fill and Kill your specimen trees."No root flare"Magnifice
nt Fifty Five Foot Copper Beech Tree"I received a call from a elderly Woman this Spring 2014 and she told me that she had a sick tree.¡ She told me that she had talked with several other professionals and they told her the tree would be fine.¡ She said the tree just did not look right. Driving up her long pavestone driveway there was a circle at the front of the house and garage.¡ In the center of the circle was a fifty five foot Copper Beech tree.¡ As soon as I drove up the problem was very apparent."The deep root fertilization was made using separate hole allowing more aeration of the soil.¡ A soaker hose was placed around the drip line to water the tree sufficiently during the Summer months.¡ If the foliation and leaf size are the same or larger in Spring 2015 we will do the same process again and monitor.¡ If there is more die back and smaller leaf size then the process is not working.¡ Only time will tell."No root flare what so ever.¡ This tree was buried alive.¡ Some tree species can survive severe grade change longer than others.¡ No tree species can survive a 8&-12&+ fill over the trees original grade even if its all good loam.¡ Filling loam or other materials around a large trees drip line cuts off the oxygen to the roots.¡ No oxygen to the root and there will be little or no uptake of water and nutrients from the soil.¡ it's a slow death, 3-5 years in most cases and can go as long as 8-10 years.¡ Some research on the subject and many state extension documentations on grade change , filling around trees state that if the fill is removed with in a 6-8 month period, the trees would have a good chance of survival if the soil is aerated.¡ 10-12 months or more the damage is done and it would be impossible to reverse the process."The client asked me if I knew what was wrong with her tree?¡ I told her yes, the tree has been buried.¡ She asked me if I could save the tree?¡ I told her probably not.¡ She told me that she had planted the tree in memory of her mother some fifty years ago.¡ She asked if there was anything she could possibly do?¡ I told her we could inject a liquid Phosphorus and¡ Potassium which may stimulate some new root production.¡ I told her this process would probably only pro long the inevitable.¡ I told her that I have done this before on several properties.¡ In the other cases where we tried this approach we only had care of the plants for 2-3 years.¡ The treatments stopped and I have not been back to either property so I do not know if the trees are still alive. She told me that the driveway was just put in last year.¡ The invoice was dated 13 months ago and stated they had spread 30 yards of loam in the circle.¡ That 12& or more of grade change. She wanted me to go ahead with the project."The tree was in full foliation, very few smaller dead branches.¡ The leaves were less than 2/3 the size they should have been.¡ First we took measurements and photographs.¡ You need documentation of the upper foliar crown and leaf size to compare the next year."Foliage"After some research on the subject I decided to try something a little different from what we have done in the past.¡ Lack of oxygen is the problem.We used a 3& auger to drill 1.5-2' deep holes all around the drip line in a 6' wide staggering path."The holes were filled with a healthy root mix and compost to add organic mycorhiza to the soil.¡ The holes were left open to allow more oxygen and water to get in to the lower soil."It was a so called &Professional Tree and Landscape & Company that put in the new driveway.¡ "We will be monitoring the growth and health of this tree and report its status. "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Cabling"Cabling, Bracing < Screw Rod Installation Services"¡¡ Deep root fertilization is a process by which water and nutrients mostly Nitrogen Phosphorus¡ and Potassium are mixed in a hydraulic spra
y rig and pumped into the ground through a hose to a large soil probe dispersing the materials in a manor that allows the plants to obtain all the needed nutrients for optimal plant growth.¡ This process also allows aeration of the soil which will benefit plant health.¡ The fertilizers used have a quick release portion of the product and a slower release portion of the product to insure that nutrients will remain in the soil through out the growing year.¡ This process will benefit trees, shrubs and flowers.¡ It is generally performed on feature plants that have ample public view to allow the best esthetic value to the tree, shrubs, etc.¡ The fertilizers are generally applied in the Spring allowing the plant to take up nutrients all Season long.¡ Only trees in stress or a state of decline would benefit from a Fall fertilization."Deep Root Fertilization"& Mother Nature & is not always perfect.¡ Many trees have structural defect that they can live with for years.¡ If the tree is on your back border then you would probably not spend the money to try and rectify damage that may occur during high wind periods.¡ If the tree is a feature plant on your property and has some structural defects.¡ Then you need to read on as what can be done to help extend the life and enjoyment you can get from this tree. "Cabling is a simple process of installing permanent wire from one leader in a tree to another for the sake of holding the tree together during high wind.¡ The cable actually braces both leader allowing some movement but stopping most winds that would cause the leader to split at the main trunk.¡ The cable must be installed at¡ ¾ the way up the leader and must have a straight direct line to the other leader. This would be a one way cable.¡ There could be a two way cable with one leader cabled to two separate leaders if there is no direct straight line.¡ Most of the time if this is the only option we would try to may this a three way cable system with all leaders have two splices on the same eyebolt.¡ Once the type of cable system is determined the lines have to be found.¡ These lines can be somewhat determined from the ground but will probably change slightly once we are up in the air.¡ We drill a hole all the way through the leader and install a forged eyebolt which is one solid eye on the bolt with threaded back side with a washer and a nut.¡ The leader must be winched together to get the right tension.¡ Further tension can be tightened with the nut.¡ Too much tension is worst than no cable at all.¡ Cables that go from the top of a leader down to a lower leader should be avoided unless the are attached to the back of a direct straight line cable already installed."Cabling"Large feature trees can have a quite extensive cabling system.¡ The tree will grow around the eyebolts giving even more strength.¡ As the tree grows the first set of cable will eventually become lower in the tree canopy.¡ When the cables are at 50% of the canopy height you may want to install a higher set of cables.¡ This rarely happens.¡ The tree would have to be in the juvenal life stage with a clear structural defect in order to install cables."Forged eyes, they can't bend out, the hole went all the way through the tree, a washer and nut are put on the other side.¡ The tree has grown around the nut."A split in the main trunk sometimes we can install two screw rods, threaded rod ¼& - ½& - ¾& depending on the life stage - size of the split trunk.¡ The cable system must be installed before any screw rod installation.¡ Generally the screw rods are installed in pairs making a X pattern across the lateral portion of the split with one screw rod 6& - 12& higher than the other depending on the size of the main trunk.¡ You may put in 2 rods or 4 rods.¡ Drilling a hole all the way through the split, install the rod and place washers and nuts on both ends.¡ Nuts are tightened, excess is cut off and a sledge hammer beans over the excess so the nuts can not back off.¡¡ The tree will grow over the screw rods."We have installed many cables and screw rods.¡ The photographs you see below are on a Mature Red Oak , Quercis Rubra, located at our Tree Farm in Lakeville, Ma.¡ The feature tree in the back yard shades the house, patio area and is 75' from the pool.¡ It has 4 screw rods that have been covered by callas growth - wound wood.¡ There are seven support cables in the upper foliar crown.¡ The upper foliar crown was thinned by 20% in 2010.¡ The upper foliar crow was thinned around 2000 and several more cable were installed to the original cable system.¡ The original cable system and screw rod was installed about 1992.¡ There is no doubt in our minds that without the cabling and screw rod installation this tree would not be standing today.There is a second Oak of the same species with a single direct cable system located in front of our Green house.¡ The original cable was installed in 2000 and the foliar crow was thinned.¡ Thinning was also done in 2010.¡ If you want to look at a quality preservation work to a Mature tree stop by and look for yourself.Upper foliar thinning is almost always performed with cabling systems.¡ It is generally done before the cables are installed.¡ If done correctly it allows the wind to blow through the tree canopy with less resistance.¡ Therefore less wind stress to the structural defects in the tree."Cable screw rods"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"¡¡ Deep root fertilization is a process by which water and nutrients mostly Nitrogen Phosphorus¡ and Potassium are mixed in a hydraulic spray rig and pumped into the ground through a hose to a large soil probe dispersing the materials in a manor that allows the plants to obtain all the needed nutrients for optimal plant growth.¡ This process also allows aeration of the soil which will benefit plant health.¡ The fertilizers used have a quick release portion of the product and a slower release portion of the product to insure that nutrients will remain in the soil through out the growing year.¡ This process will benefit trees, shrubs and flowers.¡ It is generally performed on feature plants that have ample public view to allow the best esthetic value to the tree, shrubs, etc.¡ The fertilizers are generally applied in the Spring allowing the plant to take up nutrients all Season long.¡ Only trees in stress or a state of decline would benefit from a Fall fertilization."Deep Root Fertilization"
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"Christmas Trees"Mockingbird Hill Christmas Trees "What we sell here is a &Family Experience&¡ Along with your beautiful tree you will have memories and photos of your own Family tree growing.¡ We off
er Hayride's that will transport your Family down to the fields and help or cut your tree and transport the tree with Family back to the main greenhouse.¡ In the main greenhouse you will find a large selection of Table Centerpieces to make your home more festive for Holiday cheer.¡ The greenhouse staff will be happy to work with you on any special orders decorating your specific needs.¡ We offer decorative services for hire to help at your Home, Office interior or exterior.¡ We have a 62' lift to aid installing and removing large wreaths on buildings up to 48&.¡¡ We decorate large outside trees up to 50'"Cut your own, Pre-cut and living trees are all priced according to species, size and symmetry.¡ The area in front of the greenhouse is the pre-cut area.¡ To the left of the main greenhouse you will find our living tree section.¡ They can be planted in your yard after the Holiday Season.¡ Behind the green houses are the cut your own.¡ If you find a tree and wish to have one of our team cut it for you we will help you."CUT YOUR OWN -¡ The fields close at dusk, it gets dark about 4:05 P.M.¡ You may choose between Scotch Pine, Norway Spruce, Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Concolor Fir, Douglas Fir, and White Pine.¡ This determines your cost."PRE-CUT TREES: Many of these species are difficult to grow or impossible to grow in our climate.¡ They have been imported to widen your selection.¡ They include the following species:Balsam Fir Fraser Fir"LIVING TREES Colorado Blue Spruce.¡ There is a separate information sheet for the care of these trees in the greenhouse. "Turn tree shopping into a family outing at Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm in Lakeville, Mass.¡ AAA 2012 Publication"Family Experience Pre-cut, Live or Cut Your Own Tree Festive Decorations Holiday Events Tree Services Price and Size Variety"Turn tree shopping into a family outing at Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm in Lakeville, Mass.By Kim Foley MacKinnonAAA Southern New England Dec 2012"The act of buying a Christmas tree can be so special that some people even plan momentous occasions around it.That’s what happened at Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm in Lakeville, Mass., last year when one man planned his proposal at the farm. When his prospective bride said yes, Santa Claus, who visits the farm on the two weekends before Christmas, presented the engagement ring."This is right in line with the family-run farm’s motto that it offers a “family experience” along with a pretty tree. The owners – the second generation of the Simmons family – give free hayrides to the fields to find and cut your tree, free hot chocolate and coffee, and of course, visits from St. Nick, who sometimes brings his own special talking Christmas tree."In addition to the choose-and-cut trees, the farm sells pre-cut trees and live ones that you can plant after the holidays. Varieties that you can cut, or have the farm cut for you, include Scotch pine, Norway spruce, blue spruce, Fraser fir, concolor fir, Douglas fir and white pine. Pre-cut tree options are either balsam or Fraser firs and living trees varieties are Fraser fir, white spruce and Alberta spruce.Farm staff will shake the dead needles out of your tree with special machine, net it and help get it onto your car. You can also pick up other festive decorations at the farm, including poinsettias, wreaths, roping and centerpieces.And if you decide you’d like to be the family that stands out in your neighborhood, you can hire the farm, which has a 62-foot lift, to hang a huge wreath high on your house or to decorate an outside tree as tall as 50 feet. Your experience can then be shared with the whole neighborhood.Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm, 147 Rhode Island Road, Lakeville, Mass.: 508-947-6712, www.mockingbirdhilltlc.com.Published: Nov 26, 2012"X"We are located half way between Boston and Hyannis < Plymouth and New Bedford.Directions"TREES THAT ARE FOR SALE ARE TAGGED WITH COLORED FLAGGING. TREES NOT TAGGED ARE NOT FOR SALE"Fabian proposed by their first Christmas Tree together, Santa gave her the ring as she excepted.¡ One might say there's magic in the air at Mockingbird Hill.¡ We were happy to help Fabian with his special request and we will be happy to help you with any special request."Click image to enlarge"Carved Sign Detail"We invite you all¡ to visit our Farm with your Family."¡"Les and May Simmons"It is with regret that I have to inform you of the passing of Leavitt C. Simmons. He passed with a brief illness on 03/26/21. He was ninety years old and passed at home in his favorite room that he built with a great view of the farm and the many bird houses that he put up. His Son Tom and his Granddaughter Sarah were at his side when he passed. He is now reunited with his wife May. He and his wife May were the matriarchs of Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm. They started planting in 1973 and opened November 1982. We will miss them dearly. It is currently a third generation tree farm with a young fourth generation growing with the trees."Leavitt and May Simmons"2024 Christmas Tree Closing Dec . 15Fri. 12 to 5 Sat. < Sun 10 to 5"Tree Farm ScheduleReservations OnlyCall Sarah 413-454-8271"Sat -Sun Dec. 1 -2 and Dec. 8-910:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M.¡ "Santa will be here"Back fields Close at 4:00P.M."Hayrides now offered on Saturdays and Sundays.Hot chocolates too!We run all weekends "Christmas Tree Gallery"Photos and Info About Christmas Tree Varieties"FREE Hot Chocolate and Hot Coffee in the greenhouse on the weekends.¡ Drink something warm while you browse or while the outside crew prepares your tree for travel.¡ We shake dead needles out of the tree on our shaker so your children can & Watch their tree Dance&.¡ We run every tree through a bailer putting a net over the tree making it easier for you to bring it into the house.¡ The tree is tagged at the top with your name so if you are getting multiple trees there will be no mistake which home gets what tree.¡ The outside crew will be happy to help you carry your tree to your vehicle. Due to insurance restrictions our crew cannot tie the tree to your vehicle."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Clean up"Spring and Fall Clean-up"Spring and Fall clean ups should be a part of every property owners regular maintenance plan. It is the type of work that many home owners can complete in their own
time frame. For many, &time& is a limited commodity. Clean up consists of raking leaves and hand picking leaves from shrubs. We use rakes, and an assortment of different size leaf power blowers. There has been much discussion and some legislation about the use of power blowers lately. Power blowers reduce the amount of time a crew will take to complete a clean up work task. Time will determine the cost of the work task at hand. If you wish to request a Quiet Clean-up, we will be happy to accommodate. Debris is collected, corralled and put on a tarp. Debris can be moved to a compost area on your property, loaded on a truck with a truck loader which is a big vacuum, or wet debris can be loaded with a small front end loader."October and November most of the leaves are down and you have a better chance that they will be dry. The truck loaders make fast work on corralled leaf piles if they are dry. April-May most leaves are wet and heavy. If you clean up in the Fall your Spring clean up will take a lot less time. If you do not clean up in the Fall, a Spring Clean up will probably cost more than a combined Fall and Spring Clean up. Spring and Fall Clean up will vary in time to complete on the same property each year due to different weather conditions."Some clients will choose to get the leaves corralled themselves. The leaf piles need to be in a spot on your property that a 1-ton truck can back up to the pile. Individual property dump sites can be pushed back into the woods for more room. We can remove debris from such dump sites or compost piles that have gotten too big. We compost all debris generated by clean up tasks and use the compost for planting."Mockingbird Hill believes in using all possible debris from work tasks for composting. Wood chips are spread in our wood processing areas. With time the chips break down and need to be replaced. The partially broken down wood chips are placed in a large pile. There is always a space made in the pile so when a truck comes in with weeding and edging or Spring or Fall clean up debris there is a place to dump. New debris are mixed with a large Front End Loader and covered so the break down process can begin. This aerates the pile and creates a new dump spot in the pile. The pile is screened to ¾& and creates a humus material rich in organic matter which we use for planting and transplanting. We have a pile of humus screened to ¼& which we are using in our green house as potting soil. Compost energizes the soil food web, which is made up of microscopic bacteria and fungi, along with earthworms, crickets, and many other life forms. Many fungi form symbiotic, or mutually rewarding, partnerships with plant roots, making it possible for plants to feed themselves more efficiently. Research shows that compost enhances the ability of tomatoes and other vegetables to stand up to common diseases and may improve their flavor and nutrition, too. Compost also helps the soil retain moisture. Through using composting we enhance your garden's ability to grow healthy plants."Fall Clean-up"Debris"Compost"Click images to enlarge"Click images to enlarge"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Crane Project"LARGE BULL PINE TREE REMOVAL"Bull Tree is about 115' in height and almost 4' in diameter"Mouse-over image to pause slide and read title (6 slides)"Click image to enlarge"Bull Pine Tree
Before"Large Bull Pine Removed"The large Bull Pine and several other Pines needed removal due to structural defects and close proximity to several structures. These trees were also on a steep hill leaving little root growth on one side to help hold them in place during high winds.¡ Major foliar sail on the Bull."See the beginning of the tree removal process below in the slide show."Click image to enlarge"Don't Miss the tree removal completion show!"View the equipment used for this project"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Crane Project Equipment show"LARGE BULL PINE TREE REMOVAL cont."Mouse-over image to pause slide and read title (6 slides)"Crane and Equipment Slide Show"Don't Miss the tree removal completion show!"L
akeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Crane Project concludes"LARGE BULL PINE TREE REMOVAL conclusion"Completing the Job - Slide Show"How does a tree carver grow up?¡ Whittle by whittle."Whittle by Whittle!"It took a six man crew about 6
.5 hour to take the Bull Pine apart and clean up.¡ Another three hours to drop the butt and remove.¡ It was close to 4' diameter at the base."The Bull is now topped out, no more brush just big wood."Topped! Last of the brush"All the remaining leaders must be climbed to take smaller pieces."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home">img src=&18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& title=&Need to Climb& alt=&1. Work contiues& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&All the remaining leaders need to be climbed as the crane has a longer reach it must take smaller pieces.& title=&18-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/19-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The drop zone must be clear before the next pic is lowered.& title=&19-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/20-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang straight& title=&20-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/22-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang the way the weight commands& title=&22-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/23crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&This pic is about 35' in length and about 17& in diameter at the base& title=&23crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/27-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The tree is getting much smaller.& title=&27-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/28-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The lower portions of the trunk are to big for the chipper and have to loaded on the log loader.& title=&28-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/29-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The base of this pic is larger than 18& in diameter.& title=&29-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/35-crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Even the small pic's are bigger than ropes can handle.& title=&35-crane.jpg& >/a >/li "
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"Deep Root Feeding"Deep Root Feeding"Deep Root Feeding"Click images to enlarge"Deep Root Feeding"Deep root fertilization is a process by which water and nutrients mostly Nitrogen Phosphorus¡ and Potas
sium are mixed in a hydraulic spray rig and pumped into the ground through a hose to a large soil probe dispersing the materials in a manor that allows the plants to obtain all the needed nutrients for optimal plant growth.¡ This process also allows aeration of the soil which will benefit plant health. The fertilizers used have a quick release portion of the product and a slower release portion of the product to insure that nutrients will remain in the soil through out the growing year.¡ This process will benefit trees, shrubs and flowers.¡ It is generally performed on feature plants that have ample public view to allow the best esthetic value to the tree, shrubs, etc.¡ The fertilizers are generally applied in the Spring allowing the plant to take up nutrients all Season long.¡ Only trees in stress or a state of decline would benefit from a Fall fertilization."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Deer Damage"Deer Damage"Installing metal stakes 8' in height. The stakes are 12-15' apart placed 4-6" away from the plants you want to protect."Click images to enlarge"There are many spray products a
vailable online that boost quality control. But to be frank we have not found any to be of much use. If you know of a product that works with one spray for a entire Winter of control please let us know so we can get the word out."The Deer population maybe on the increase or the increase in building new homes over the past three decades has reduce their foraging areas. No matter what the reason Deer damaged on landscape plant material has become a major problem for many home and business owners."Deer will feed on Arborvitaes, Japanese Yews or any Taxus species, Rhotodendrons and Hosta. They will strip foliage from the ground as high as they can reach generally 5-6'. They will generally only feed on Landscape plant when there is no other foliage for them to feed on which is during the Winter months."Deer Cone Head Arborvitaes"Deer fencing will work"Installing metal stakes 8' in height. The stakes are 12-15' apart placed 4-6& away from the plants you want to protect."Stretching 7' High by 100' long netting secure with small wire ties"The netting can be taken down mid to late April. You can buy the netting and stakes at Home Depot or store similar. We can install the fencing for you at your request. It maybe a pain to install and take down every year but its much cheaper than replacing your plants."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Directions to Lakeville christmas trees"147 Rhode Island Rd (RT 79)Lakeville ¡ MA 02347"¡ The staff at Mockingbird Hill is always looking for qualified personnel to help the company offer the best i
n Plant Health Care services to our valued customers.¡ Experienced applicants can expect good compensation for their work here on the Hill.¡ We do not mow lawns and do very little landscaping work tasks. Experienced Bucket Truck operators, Tree Climbers, Pesticide License holder category 36 < 37.¡ Lawn Care technician,¡ C.D.L. with Air Brake endorsement on your license.¡ Any combination of two or more of the above categories increases employment opportunities.¡ If you hold any of the categories above,¡ have at least two years of experience in any category, and are seeking new employment fill out a request form under employment opportunities.¡ All interviews are confidential and references are only contacted with permission of the applicant.¡ Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.¡ We will train the right applicant if they are self motivated, eager to learn this trade, and willing to perform hard physical work.¡ All applicants must have a valid driving license.¡ It would be a plus if you can drive a standard transmission vehicle and back up a trailer.¡ These positions are generally only open in the Spring, but maybe available during the Summer or Fall.¡ If you have interest in on of these positions please do not hesitate to contact us."Employment Opportunities"Complete our easy contact form and select Employment as Interest. Let us know what areas you have experience in and give us a time to reach you."Map and Directions to Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm"Boston area - Rt 128 to Rt 24 to Rt 495 cape.¡ Take exit 5 Right on to Rt 18 to the first set of lights.¡ Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right.¡ Look for the sign and the bear."Bourne Bridge - follow to 495 N.¡¡ Take exit 5 left on to¡ Rt 18 to the first set of lights.¡ Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right. Look for the sign and the bear.Sagamore Bridge - Follow Rt 3 N to Plymouth.¡ Follow Plymouth directions"Boston area"Cape Cod area"Plymouth area -¡ Rt 44 to the Middleboro rotary.¡ Follow rt 18 towards Freetown. to the first set of lights.¡ Right on Rt 79 1/4 Mile on the right.¡ Look for the sign and the bear."Plymouth area"New Bedford"View Larger Map"Road View"Carved Sign"Click images to enlarge"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"New Bedford area - Follow Rt 140 to Rt 79.¡ Go right on 79 and look for the sign and Bear on your left just before you get to Rt 79."
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"drought tree disease"Tree Diseases - Drought Stress"Extended droughts can cause decline and death on young and mature trees. Even large trees more than one hundred years old can decline. Foliage on d
rought stressed trees thins and drops beginning at the top center part of the canopy. This is a natural way for the tree to reduce water loss from transpiring leaves.¡ Reduce the amount of leaves reduce water loss.¡ This can be largely prevented with timely application of irrigation, and appropriate soil management. It is better to apply water preventively before the canopy begins loosing foliage than to wait until these symptoms are advanced.¡ Large shade trees can go through 80-100 gallons a day if weather conditions are right."Apply water across the soil surface and let it soak into the soil. Surface soaking allows tree roots more chances to absorb any water, helps maintain soil health, and helps maintain essential element cycling and transformations in the soil."If you can duplicate a rainfall of about 2 inches a week, you are doing great. If Mother Nature provides enough precipitation to wet the soil 2 to 3 feet deep, don't apply additional water. However, if natural rainfall falls short of a full soaking, apply only enough additional water to wet the soil 2 to 3 feet deep."The best time to water is at night from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Trees relieve water deficits (refill) during the nighttime hours. Watering at night allows effective use of applied water and less evaporative loss, assuring more water moves into the soil and tree. The next best time to water is in late afternoon when the foliage is dry and evaporation potential is not at its daily peak.Plan to water newly planted trees each summer for the three years after planting. Once past this establishment window, the tree should be able to survive on its own without supplemental water.Evergreen trees, however, always will lose water during the dormant season. These trees should be watered during winter droughts. Because temperatures are low and relative humidity is typically high, much less water is required in the dormant season, but water still is needed. Do not water when the soil surface is less than 40 degrees F."Manually, the best ways to water trees are by soaker hose or trickle (drip) irrigation, which you turn on and off. Even a garden hose, moved often, can provide a good soil soaking. Take care to water the surface beneath the tree's canopy, but not the tree's canopy. Foliage that is watered can be sunscalded or could develop fungal foliage disorders."Newly planted trees are the most susceptible to water stress and should be monitored closely. Many times these trees have lost a percentage of their root system in the digging process and are not very efficient with water uptake. Concentrate on watering just the basal root system of new trees and check often with a soil probe to inspect water dispersal."If you are using a sprinkler system, you can estimate this amount of water by placing several small containers under the canopy of your trees. When the average depth in the containers equals 2 inches, you are done with that tree. In addition, you can probe the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches when you are done watering to make sure the soil is saturated to that depth."When should I water?"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Eastern Tent Caterpillars"Tree Insects - Eastern Tent Caterpillars"The gregarious caterpillars hatch in the early spring about the time tree buds start to open, and soon they begin to spin their silk
en tents in the branch forks. "Egg cases can be easily seen on twigs in the Fall prior to Spring hatch."The tent protects them from predators, such as birds, and from temperature extremes. Enlarging the tent as they grown, the caterpillars leave only to feed, usually at night. The eastern tent caterpillar is found most often on apple and wild or ornamental cherry, and occasionally on pecan, hawthorne, beech and willow. When abundant, caterpillars will eat all the leaves, weakening, though seldom killing a tree."Leaf-feeding can be prevented on small trees by destroying tents with a stick or pole, exposing the caterpillars to birds. Another preventive method is to prune the egg masses from twigs before the early spring hatch."This caterpillar is often confused with Gypsy Moth Larva.¡ Note the white line down the spine is solid.¡ Eastern Tents are rarely heavy defoliators.¡ They maybe on the host trees where their tent is located.¡ Eastern Tent caterpillars were in out break populations in 2006 and 2007.¡ The only other recorded out break was in 1920.¡ Contact sprays can be made on the tents in early Spring to control."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Forest Tent Caterpillars"Tree Insects - Fall Web Worms"The large silk webs enclosing tips of branches are sure signs of fall webworms. The caterpillars remain inside the webbing, and if food runs out
new foliage is encased."The caterpillars are covered with long white to yellowish tan hairs. Two races of fall webworms occur in North America, the blackheaded and redheaded races. The blackheaded race has caterpillars which are light greenish-yellow to pale yellow with two rows of distinct black tubercles."These caterpillars are more unsightly than damaging to the trees.¡ They feed just prior to leaf drop in the Fall causing little damage to the biomass of the host plant. Border trees do not normally warrant control.¡ Specimen or feature trees may.¡ Tents can be cut out and burned or you can control with a foliar contact insecticide application."The redheaded race is more tan in color with orange to reddish tubercles.¡ The caterpillars make distinct jerking movements in unison if the nest is disturbed. The adults are about one inch long and range from pure white to white with a few black spots. This pest overwinters in the pupal stage. Pupae are usually in the ground but can be located in old nest remains, under loose bark and in leaf litter. The adults emerge from late May into July. The eggs are usually deposited in a single (blackheaded race) or double (redheaded race) layer of several hundred eggs on the undersurface of leaves. The mass is lightly covered with scales from the female's abdomen. The eggs hatch in about a week and the small mass of caterpillars web over single leaves and feed by skeletonizing. As the caterpillars grow, they web over additional leaves and finally are able to eat the entire leaf. The larvae mature in about six weeks, at which time they drop to the ground to pupate."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Feature historic"Feature Tree "About Mockingbird Hill"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡T
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"Fertilization aeration"Lawn Fertilization Information"Core Aeration"All turf grass areas over time will get compacted, leaving the sub soil undesirable for proper root growth.¡ Walking, playing, mowi
ng and watering compact particles and reduces the air space necessary for good root growth.¡ Compaction is greater in the top inch to inch and a half of soil and needs to be mechanically opened.¡ This process removes plugs of soil the size of a finger to a depth of 2-3&.¡ This allows air to move freely.¡ It allows deeper water penetration, less run off of water.¡ It will improve fertilizer uptake and allow better root growth.¡ It stimulates root growth to create a healthier turf grass plant."Turf Grasses need to be fertilized to maintain color, density and vigor.¡ The healthier and more vigorous a lawn is the more resistant it is to heat stress, drought, heavy traffic and pet damage.The amount of fertilizer applied to the turf areas is based on square footage.¡ "How many applications your area will require would be based on several different factors.¡ Desires of the individual home owner- client goals and expectations.¡ Do you want a putting green, golf course effect, lush deep green lawn requiring more applications per year or do you just want to maintain a good green lawn?¡ The location of the turf is also a factor.¡ Is this a high use area.¡ What Species of turf grass do you have?¡ Different species have different fertilizer requirements.¡ What type of soil do you have?¡ Did the installer skimp on loam?¡ In some situations a soil test may be done to dial in soil amendments to get to the right soil P.H. to get optimal growth.¡ The age and quality of the existing turf grass is a factor.¡ New lawn will require more fertilizer than a well established lawn.¡ Renovating or improving on a neglected lawn will require more fertilizer for a few years.¡ Do you have irrigation?¡ How much water is each section of the system getting per week?¡ Do you remove your grass clippings every time you mow?¡ How much and how often you fertilize your turf grass is only determined after a field evaluation."We listen to the client's goals.¡ We work with clients.¡ Sometime we make recommendation the client can complete themselves.¡ More often we complete the work task.¡ Sometimes it will take several years of a good lawn care program to meet a new clients goals.¡ We can not change in one year what has taken & Mother Nature& several years to do.¡ We have the experience, knowledge and persistence to help our clients reach their individual goals for turf grass maintenance."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Firewood"Mockingbird Hill Firewood"Firewood is a by product of our Tree Pruning and Tree Removal aspect of the business.¡ According to Massachusetts state Law firewood has to be sold by the cubic foo
t.¡ The most common measurement of firewood sales is by the &Cord&.¡ A cord of wood will stack to a pile 4' Wide by 4' High and 8' Long yielding 128 cubic feet.¡ You can order a full cord, half cord or a quarter cord.¡ We also offer 1. Cubic foot bundles with a handle and a fire starter square included.¡ Local deliveries are free and a distance charge will be applied for clients outside our normal travel range. "Bundles can be purchased in many local stores."Firewood processing / 1 Cord measured in box on tractor"Firewood needs to be &Seasoned& in order to burn in an efficient manor.¡ This will take 6-8 months of air drying.¡ Firewood need to be cut to length and split to dry.¡ Left in log length it will not dry properly.¡ Large log over 3' in diameter will take years to dry in length.¡ Large diameter wood is difficult to process.¡ We get a lot of¡ big wood.¡ We have had large logs sit here for 3-5 years before they were processed.¡ When they get processed the outer portion of the log is dry but the center is still green.¡ In 2010 we put together a 45-50 Ton 5' wood splitter.¡ We can now process large wood in a much more efficient manor.¡ Large wood is split on the 50 Ton and further processed by a 30 Ton with a four way wedge.¡ We can custom split wood to 4'-5' hardwood or softwood by order specific to a clients needs.¡ 4'-5' softwoods can be used for clam bakes, pig roasts, bond fires for camps- Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts / etc.¡ We do not wholesale cord wood.¡ We will wholesale the 1 Cu Ft bundles to retail stores.¡ Call for a quote."2015 Firewood Sold Out"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Fruit Tree Pruning"Fruit Tree Pruning Services"Fruit Tree Pruning"Click image to enlarge"Click image to enlarge"During the Winter months most all plant material is in a stage of dormancy.¡ This is th
e time to prune your fruit trees as well as your Ornamental Crab Apples.¡ The species Apple, Peach, Plum, Pear are all very susceptible to many different strains of fungus and bacteria.¡ Fungus and bacteria are spread from spores that become air borne.¡ They come from old leaves that were infected the previous year.¡ In the Spring when the temperatures get warm along with ample moisture, the spores begin to fly.¡ They need moisture in order to be activated.¡ So every time there is rain, or a sprinkler head turns on activation can occur.¡ Pruning cuts leave an opening for fungus and bacteria to enter the vascular system of the plant.¡ This allows the disease to move through the plant.¡ Pruning when the trees are dormant will help you avoid this scenario.¡ Winter pruning allows time for callous growth or wound wood to form before fungal activity begins."Young trees should be pruned for structure as opposed to fruit production.¡ As fruit matures it gains weight that can bend or break branches.¡ It is a wise move to pick the fruit off before they gain enough weight to cause permanent damage to plant structure on a young or newly planted tree.¡ The main structure is key to years of good fruit production.¡ Fruit production pruning leads the plant structure to be short and thin.¡ This is done to aid in easy of picking fruit and getting even application on a spray program.¡ The fruit will bend the branches downward.¡ Apple trees will eventually look like a large mushroom.¡ Peaches and pears will have a more pyramidal shape.¡ However, short and thin remains a common pruning objective.After desired structure has been formed yearly maintenance pruning should take place.¡ This involves removal of sucker growth.¡ Adventitious buds will sprout from previous pruning cuts.¡ They may also emerge at the root collar.¡ They are called basil suckers.¡ In most cases all sucker growth will be straight upward and should be removed.¡ In time you will have to shorten lateral branches.¡ This is done so the weight of the fruit will not break the branch or to make mowing easier.¡ A properly pruned tree will yield a good crop and give aesthetic value to your property. Proper fruit tree pruning is an art.¡ It takes time to learn there are no short cuts.¡ The Internet, libraries, books, public extension services are all fine references.¡ The best way to learn to prune fruit trees is to work directly with someone that has the knowledge and experience.¡ Many Arboricultural firms will work with you to explain pruning technique.There are many people that have small orchards as a hobby.¡ Working with plants on your own property can be gratifying and rewarding.¡ It will also help to relieve stress.¡ Most of all it will help you get outside and enjoy nature during a time when most are in the confines of their home."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Fusarium Blight"Lawn Diseases - Fusarium Blight"Fusarium blight first appears as small, circular, grayish green areas, ranging from a few inches up to a foot in diameter. Some plants in the center of
the circles may survive, giving them a frog eye or donut appearance. The crow or base area of the dead stems is affected with a reddish rot and is hard and tough. At times, a pink layer of the fungus can be seen near the soil line. The dead foliage appears bleached The fungus survives as mycelia in plant debris and plants killed by previous infections, or as thick walled resting spores (chlamydospores) in the thatch and soil.The fungi that cause fusarium blight survive the winter in the thatch layer and on infected grass roots, crowns and rhizomes. As temperatures increase above 70° spore production begins. When air temperatures are between 75° and 90° and humidity is high spore production becomes profuse and affected grass may die in 4 to 7 days after the first symptoms appear. The fungi show little activity when air temperatures are below 70°, or when humidity is very low. "Fusarium blight occurs most commonly in areas that have been stressed for moisture and in areas in full sun. Follow proper irrigation and fertilization practices and regularly dethatch the turfgrass. Fungicides may be required if the turfgrass has a history of fusarium blight, but complete control is difficult to achieve with fungicides."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"gallery christmas tree 2012"Christmas Tree Farm Gallery"Hayride"Hayride and trees"Cyclamen"Wood Carving"How Cute!"Santa Hat Family"Hot chocolate"Christmas Greenhouse"Poinsettias"Santa and Daisy"Trees
"Woods"Click images to enlarge"Trees and Greenhouse"About Mockingbird Hill"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Hedge"Hedge Pruning Services"In the above diagram you will see that A has a shape that allows sunlight to get to the lower branches of the hedge.¡ With this shape the hedge can be healthy, thick and
full for years."Pruning hedges can be time consuming and can get out of control very quickly.¡ If proper pruning takes place yearly the hedge can be maintained for years with minimal gain in height or lateral growth.You need to set a realistic height ceiling on the hedge.¡ This height should be determined soon after planting.¡ Most all hedges are evergreen.¡ Evergreens need full sun light.¡ Without it dieback and death will occur."Red Neck Hedge Pruning"Maintaining the height is key to keeping a desired shape.¡ The lower the height the easier it is for the homeowner to maintain.¡ Shearing should take place on a yearly basis.Snow bend is a major problem for most species of hedges.¡ Ag-lock is a product we use to prevent snow bend.¡ It will help hold the hedge together during a heavy wet snow"The B diagram is generally what happens when a hedge become too tall for the home owner to shear or prune the high sides of the hedge.¡ They cut what they can reach from the ground or a ladder and leave what they can not reach.¡ If this shearing practice continues the upper branches shade out the bottom and the hedge begins to thin out from lack of sunlight.¡ The bottom begins to die back and the homeowner will soon be able to see through the hedge.¡ If this scenario is caught in time the bottom can be restored.¡ However there is a point of no return."Click to view the progression of our Privet hedge."Major pruning of hedgeBegan in 2012 and the following¡ year, June of 2013, shows how well the shrub leafed out"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"brushog mowing"Brushog Mowing"Click images to enlarge"Forest borders will reclaim their turf very quickly.¡ Cutting under story saplings and wild vines will leave a root system that will push new fol
iage to 4'-6' in one growing season.¡ The picture below shows a border area that was clear cut of the under story including 12'-18' saplings.¡ The original cutting took 40+ hours to cut and chip debris.¡ This picture was taken 7 months after the original cutting."This brushog mowing was completed in less than 2 hours once the machine was on site."The tractor is 40 H.P. with four wheel drive.¡ A set of forks can be place in front instead of the loader if big logs or debris has to be mover prior to mowing."The brushog mower is 6' by 6', any brush the front end loader can push over the &Hog will eat it&."In this scenario debris were left to breakdown as opposed to raking up. There was some hand cutting by a fence area and the client wanted more area cleared once they saw how quickly this machine works"Having all the tools- &Toys& to complete the work project in a safe efficient manor allows Mockingbird Hill to complete work projects in less time than other companies.¡ Knowing when and where to use our specialty equipment is what sets us apart from other companies. "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Red Oak Project"PRUNING < CABLING A LARGE RED OAK"¡ This Hedge is still 13’ tall with complete screen of the neighbors property."Beautiful Feature Shade Tree Before and After"Mouse-over image to paus
e slide and read title"Pruning your hedges yearly or bi - yearly, maintaining a reasonable height every two - three years can save your property screen.¡ To replace a 13' screen like this hedge would cost between $12,000.00 - $15,000.00.¡ If you can find the plants this size."Click images to enlarge"Red Oak Before"Red Oak Completed"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Contact"Special¡Projects"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Home"
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"Insects diseases"Mockingbird Hill Insect and Disease Control Services"We tailor our programs to the specific needs of your Trees, Shrubs and Turf areas."Insects populations for the most part have nat
ural predators which keep them in check with &Mother Nature's Plan&.¡ Plans do not always work out.¡ Modern Man has moved insects to country's where there is no natural predator for that specific insect.¡ Out breaks of insect infestations altar as the weather changes.¡ Mild Winter the eggs of all insect will have a low mortality rate / high insect hatch.¡ Deep cold Winter the eggs of all insects will have a higher mortality rate / lower insect hatch.¡ A Spring with more than usual rain, more mosquitoes.¡ A Summer with record heat waves, more Spider mite activity.¡ Gypsy Moth Caterpillars do not hatch on April 1 every year.¡ They will hatch when Shadbush Service Berry is in flower every year.¡ This can be a week or two apart from year to year. We must watch both the numerical calendar and the botanical calendar.¡ If you are to be successful in insect and disease control you must go by a Botanical calendar.Some insects have a large window time frame to get under control where as disease generally your application time is critical.¡ With insects insecticide applications you are trying to eradicate the pest.¡ Disease Fungicide applications are applied to protect the foliar from infection.¡ Fungus and Bacteria's are spread by air blown spores.¡ Moisture activates these spores.¡ You can not eradicate air born microscopic spores.¡ Fungicides work to minimize the spread of the fungus.¡ They can not prevent it.¡¡ The foliage tissue needs to be wet for a certain amount of time to give the Fungus / Bacteria to penetrate the epidermis of the foliage.¡ Fungicides need to be applied before it rains."You wouldn't let your child or pet be sick - keep your trees and shrubs healthy too!"Monitor your plants around the property frequently.¡ If some thing looks out of place or off in the color of the leaves there is probably something biotic going on.¡ Close inspection may require a magnifying glass or a micro scope.¡ This can bring you to a whole new world.¡ Disease and insects will always be present.¡ It is when the insect populations or the amount of Fungus / Bacteria become over bearing to the foliage of a plant that damage occurs.¡ Reduction of foliage by any means reduces the amount of energy to the Biomas of the plant.¡ A blade of grass, a shrub or a tall tree.¡ They all have the same plant physiology.Plants take up water and nutrients from the soil with tiny root hairs through a process called &Osmosis&.¡ Liquid moving from a area of high concentration ( the soil ) to an area of low concentration ( the root hair ).¡ There has to be enough oxygen in the soil for this to take place.¡ Water and nutrients move up through the vascular system. Reaching the foliage, leaves or needles, the Chlorophyll with the energy trapped from the sun, transforms the water and nutrients into starches, sugars and carbohydrates - Photosynthesis¡¡ Starches, sugars and carbohydrates move back down through the cambium to the roots thus completing the cycle.¡ This is what feeds the biomas of the organism.¡ Anytime this equation is altered damage to the plant happens."Are there any questions which should be asked of lawn care services prior to hiring them?Yes.¡ Ask to see a pesticide license.¡ Anyone who applies any form of pesticide for hire must be licensed by the State. Any product with (EPGA REG) on the container is a pesticide.¡ Included are insecticides, herbicides, biological controls, weed and feed products, organic pesticides and controls, fungicides and weed killers.¡ Ask what types of programs they offer.¡ If you are interested in customized lawn care ask what options you have.¡ Is the company willing to assist you in understanding your lawn?¡ Ask about its growth cycles, mowing and watering needs, as well as your particular soil conditions.¡ Ask if the company belongs to any professional associations.¡ It is a sign of professionalism. Will the company provide you with information on the applications they will be making to your lawn?¡ It is your right to know."Winter Moth Caterpillars, Wood Ticks and Mosquitoes "During the past ten years many in Plymouth County had to deal with those nasty caterpillars.¡ The staff at Mockingbird Hill Tree < Lawn Care LLC has been fielding calls on this subject all Winter long.¡ It is hard to believe that people were thinking about the caterpillar problem so early.¡ But this goes to show how the caterpillar invasion has effected people.¡ We have looked at the devastation on many properties and rural road sides caused by repeated defoliation of many tree species.¡ The tree mortality will be very apparent once the trees foliate.¡ Healthy trees can only deal with defoliation several times.¡ Every time a tree has to set a second set of leaves during the growing Season the leaves will be smaller collecting less energy for the biomass of the plant.¡ This leaves less energy for the tree to foliate the next SpringThere is no simple answer to this question.¡ &Mother Nature& is unpredictable as she has shown us with weather in the past five years.¡ This past Winter was unseasonably warm which will have little effect on eggs hatching this Spring.¡ The Spring weather will have a direct effect on how many of the eggs that hatch survive.¡ If the weather remain warmer than usual the egg hatch could be a week or so early as well.¡ Eggs on the south side of a tree will hatch up to a week earlier than eggs on the north side of a tree.The Winter Moth larva and Fall Cankerworm hatch before bud break much closer to bud swell mid-April normally.¡ The eggs are in the bark crevices and can not be seen with the naked eye.¡ They will crawl into the buds before they open and eat the flowers and young tender foliage.¡ They are a serious problem for orchardists, blue berry and cranberry growers.¡ If the foliage opens on your trees and the leaves are full of pin holes chances are good that Winter moth larva are present.¡ They are small green and blend in well with the foliage.¡ Webbing can be seen around smaller ornamental tree branches long before the caterpillars are seen with the naked eye.¡ You can not control the insect in the bud without a systemic insecticide that would need to be applied to the soil and take months to get into the vascular system of the tree.¡ Foliar spray application can begin when the leaves are ½-¾¡ fully foliated.¡ Not all trees foliate at the same time which adds to the equation.¡ In fact the spread of Winter Moth and Fall Canker worm is expected to grow.¡ If you had moths flying around last November and December you can expect the green eating machines this Spring.Home owners need to monitor their trees for signs of activity early.¡ Walk around your property and carefully examine your plants.¡ A magnifying glass can be quite helpful.¡ Although my gut instinct is that the caterpillar problem is going to be very active and more wide spread than last year.¡ I am reluctant to say this with any degree of certainty because &Mother Nature& plays by her own set of rules.¡ The projected frost on 03/26/12 with a week of cooler weather could be a big factor on egg hatch for Winter Moth.¡ You are better off to monitor and prepare for a problem that you may not have than to have a problem that you are not prepared for.What Can be done?A border spray application is what we recommend for control of Winter Moth.¡ We spray your whole border and everything inside the border.¡ We are running 2-3 crews.¡ We can not spray in the rain or if the wind gets above 15 MPH.¡ You need to call the office and talk with a representative.¡ They will address¡ cost, questions and concerns and put your property on our spray list if you wish.¡ We have to go to the properties on the list first in order to be fair to all our customers.I was fortunate to be able to attend a seminar several weeks ago which featured some of the top entomologists in New England.¡ Each guest speaker had their own topic.¡ Several spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth, one spoke specifically about the increase of wood ticks and one spoke specifically about mosquitoes.¡ It was extremely informative with too much detail to explain in this article.The entomologists that spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth,¡ agreed with my comments about the egg hatch.¡ There will be heavy populations hatching by the end of March and maybe earlier if the weather stays real warm.¡ A great website for caterpillars and other insect information. The entomologist that spoke about wood ticks said they were on the increase.¡ One in five Deer Ticks will carry Lyme Disease.¡ Protect your self while in wooded habitats with long pants.¡ Check your body and your children daily for ticks.¡ You can spray your woods border, turf and shrubs with a barrier insecticide application which will reduce tick populations.¡ Applications should be made in May, June and July in a normal year.¡ We offer these services.¡ If you apply insecticides yourself.¡ Read the label, it must be registered for tick control, the application rate will be on the label.¡ Mix the insecticide at the required rate do not add more.¡ Wooded borders in the forest duff or forest floor is their favored ground but tall grassy areas will also yield high populations of ticks.¡ A great website for much more information on wood ticks is www.tickencounter.org .¡ A Deer tick has to be feeding on you for twenty four hours before the Lyme disease can enter your blood stream.¡ The entomologist that spoke about mosquitoes said that the amount of stagnant water in small pools will have a direct effect on how many mosquitoes hatch.¡ Check your property for any container like a trash can or five gallon bucket or anything that will hold small amounts of water.¡ They will breed mosquitoes. So dump out any water that you find.¡ Check the screens in your house for holes.¡ Mosquitoes can carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis, EEE and West Nile Virus, WNV.¡ Once again protect yourself and your family.¡ A barrier insecticide application will repel mosquitoes and ticks in one application.¡¡ If you have to go out at dusk put on a mosquito repellant and or wear a long sleeved shirt.¡ Plymouth County¡ will spray your property for you on request.¡ You must call 781-585-5450.¡ They will spray your property for up to ten requests beginning Memorial Day through Labor Day.¡¡ Be patient this is a so called free service which we all¡ pay for in our taxation.¡ Many try to take advantage of this so the list to be sprayed can be long.¡ A website for more information mosquitoes, EEE and WNV is www.plymouthmosquito.com¡¡ Plymouth County Mosquitoes Control will be testing mosquitoes for EEE and WNV in Lakeville and Middleboro as soon as they emerge.¡ If high numbers of infected mosquitoes are found aerial application of insecticide will probably take place.¡ You can also contact your represenative's and inform them about how you feel individually about aerial spraying for mosquitoes whether¡ it be pro or con."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Installation lawn turf"Mockingbird Hill Lawn Installation Information"TURFGRASS INSTALLATION FALL VS. SPRING"When installing a lawn, several factors need to be addressed when planting, such as design
, soil evaluation, mechanical requirements, and turf grass varieties suited for a particular site. Prior preparations may also be needed such as vegetation control, and removal of any debris before renovation begins. Whether planting a new lawn, rejuvenating an older stand, or spot seeding, the most common question arises as to the correct timing of this project. For all practicality, one could plant from Spring through Fall in New England. However, at what time of the season can we obtain the most successful results?For sod installation, it is suggested to install early to late Spring or Fall. Avoid any planting during the Summer months due to stresses such as heat, high humidity, and a lack of adequate rainfall. Spot seeding can be done during this time frame also. Do avoid applying any pre-emergent weed control treatments to these areas unless top-dressing with screened loam above control product barrier. Soil depth should be at least two inches or more.Early Spring turf renovation can be done from March through May. A concern of planting at this time is the natural occurrence of weeds competing with the sensitive new grass plants. Do expect a¡¡ crabgrass problem.¡ Amount of infestation will depend upon the number of dormant seeds in the soil. The same applies for a broadleaf weed crop, along with seeds carried into the area naturally. Weed control of any sort should not be applied until the lawn has matured. Taking this into account, one may need to over-seed again in the Fall. This process may need to be done several times for uniform turf establishment. Therefore, when seeding in the Spring it may take a longer amount of time to bring the lawn to its fullest potential compared to a Fall planting.The ideal time to seed would be in the early Fall. At this time of the year the annual crabgrass crop dies off, along with a decline in broadleaf weed activity. It also allows the new plants two growing seasons prior to the normal stresses of the Summer months.¡ Turf grass stands are, as we, a living entity requiring proper nutrients, water, and sunlight for establishment. A regularly scheduled fertilization program should commence the day of installation and continued each growing season to maintain a healthy lawn."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"large tree pruning"Large Tree Pruning "Stages and Pruning"The first stage is establishment and includes seedlings, new planting and transplants. The key factor is that the tree concentrates growth on
both the root system and the upper foliar crown. In this stage, pruning is limited to crown cleaning. Little or no foliage should be removed because the biomass of the tree is depending on the energy produced by the leaves to fuel growth."The second stage is juvenile. In this stage trees are established in their environment and grow at their most rapid pace. They have ample energy in the biomass to run an active defense system against invading insects and disease. Trees can benefit and respond well to pruning at this stage. Structural pruning to develop good branch structure should be done at this stage. This type of pruning will help eliminate major branch defects in the future. In the early years most of the growth is straight up. This is called &Apical Dominance&, all the energy moves to the upper foliar crown. As the tree continues to grow the side branches begin to get wider because the biomass has more energy. This is called lateral dominance. More leaves, more energy to the biomass, more growth. By the time the lower branches begin to interfere with mowing the upper foliar crown will be large enough to supply adequate energy to the biomass allowing one to remove the branches interfering with mowing without causing any significant stress to the plant."The mature stage growth continues at a slower, steady pace. The tree may self prune some branches that are no longer productive. This is a natural process in all trees. The tree has a good balance between the root system and the upper foliar crown building energy levels in the biomass of the tree beyond what energy it needs during the growing season. Thinning and structural pruning will benefit this stage. No more than 25% of the foliage should be remove in one growing season."Look at the tree and the photo one year later and the tree will tell you how quickly the decline is approaching. Fertilization can slow the effect of decline in some cases and may prolong death for years. Prune your back to ground O , photograph and compare after any pruning."The decline stage is a part of life with all living organisms. Trees are no different even though they are the longest living organisms on this planet. Trees enter this stage when their roots run out of room to grow. When they succumb to biotic and A biotic factors effective their natural life span. Pruning deadwood is all anyone can do with this stage. Tree in this stage need all the green they have to put energy back to the biomass to open new leaves in the following Spring. Once the deadwood is remove we recommend the clients photograph the tree. This gives the client a photographic record of how the tree looked with no deadwood. "About Mockingbird Hill"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Lawn Care"Mockingbird Hill Lawn Care Services Discontinued for 2021"Fertilization ProgramsLawn Weed < Insect ControlNon-selective Herbicide Treatment(Poison Ivy, Walkways, Patios, etc)Turf Installati
on(slice-seeding, etc.)Core AerationLandscape PlantingSpring < Fall CleanupsWeeding < EdgingMulch Installation"We don't Mow, But we make them grow"Lawn Van"Turf grass plants naturally want to be 1.5-2' in height.¡ We mow off the top of the plant at a desired height in order to get the effect we want for our landscape.¡ We do this so children and pets can easily walk or run around the lawn in their bare feet if they want to.¡ We want our properties to look manicured.¡ Different clients have different goals and expectations of what they want their individual turf areas to look like.¡ Sometime goals maybe different from the front lawn to the back."Click images to enlarge"Learn about weeds more"Turn this ... Into This!"Be sure to hire the company with the knowledge and skills for the best results"Our Beloved Margot"It is with a great sadness that I must inform all of our Lawn Care accounts that we will no longer be offering lawn care programs to our cliental. I would like to thank every client that has made the Mockingbird Hill Lawn Care reputation what it is today.¡ When Margot passed in 2019 it was a very difficult time for all at Mockingbird Hill. Jim took over the lawn Care programs for 2019 and 2020 as he held the Lawn supervisor's license which allowed him to apply pesticides on the property of another for hire. Jim has decided to retire, and without a lawn care license on staff we can not continue to offer lawn care services. At this stage of my life I have decided to concentrate strictly on the Tree Care aspects of the business."Click image to enlarge"It is with the deepest sorrow and regret that we inform you that Margot pass away on February 9,2019. It was an illness that made her quality of life poor for the past year. She is now at peace."In the past few months I have had several meetings with Rich Lopes and his wife Sharon who have their own business Rich Lopes Landscaping located¡ 433 Richmond St. E. Taunton. They have been self employed for30 years and are very well versed in modern Lawn Care practices. In the conversations I have had with Rich and Sharon it is obvious to me that they hold very similar values and work ethics. His compassion for client satisfaction can be reflected by the past years of service for customers such as Bristol County Savings Bank, Whitesmith Village Condominiums, and many residential properties. They are willing and have the resources to take over the current lawn accounts and will adhere to 2020 application rate pricing."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Insects lawn"Insects and Lawn"Turf damaged caused by Sod Web Worms usually begins to appear in early Spring.¡ The damage shows up as small dead patches of grass around normally growing turf.¡ The dam
age will progress into general turf thinning or irregular dead patches in late June into early August.¡ Sod Web worm like turf hot and dry, your sunny areas , south facing banks, and will rarely be found in shaded turf.¡ The most severe damage will show up in July and August when it is hot and the grass is not actively growing.¡ Many times Sod Web Worm damage is mistaken for heat and drought stress."Sod Web Worms have two generations per year.¡ The first generation finishes feeding in late May to early June.¡ They burrow into thatch or soil to pupate.¡ With in 14 day the adult emerge and lay eggs.¡ The larva feed on you turf grass. The second generation of adult moths appear in late July into early August.¡ Majority of damage will occur during Summer months.¡ These larva are feeding when the turf is actively growing in September and October and damage generally not as noticeable."A surface feeding insect control treatment will reduce the population to avoid turf injury.¡ Properties are monitored and treated accordingly as with any pest issue.¡ This insect is actively feeding from Spring through the Fall. "Sod Web Worm"Japanese Beetles"Japanese beetles are probably one of the most devastating pests to your landscape plants.¡ Most insects have one stage of their life cycle that will severely damage your plant material.¡ Japanese Beetles life cycle allows the Larva stage to feed on turf grass roots and the adult to feed on your trees and shrubs."Adults emerge from the soil in early July, feed, mate and lay eggs.¡ In July adults feed on Lindens, Roses, Vines and many other ornamentals.¡ Activity is intense over a 6-8 week period before the beetles die off. Over the two month period females can lay 60 eggs in turf grass areas.¡ Adults feed on the top of the plant first.¡ Odors emitted from the damaged leaves cause the beetles to gather in great numbers on host plants.¡ At dusk the females burrow 2-3 inches in the soil to lay eggs.¡ They return to feed on your trees and shrubs the next day.¡ The grubs grow quickly and by late September can be 1 inch long.¡ Most pass the Winter 2-6 inches below the surface, some may go as deep as 8-10 inches."The best time to apply pesticides for the grubs in your turf is mid July until September.¡ Adults can be controlled with a foliar application of insecticide early to mid July."Chinch Bugs"Chinch Bugs have a piercing-sucking mouth part and they feed on the sap of your turf grass.¡ They live in the thatch and they prefer to feed on the lower leaf sheath and crown areas.¡ This is their breakfast, lunch and dinner."Chinch bugs spend the Winter as adults under shrubs or around the foundation of structures.¡ Warm weather inspires the adults to move to more open areas in your lawn where they begin to lay eggs.¡ 15-20 eggs per day are deposited for two - three weeks.¡ The eggs hatch in one - two week depending on the temperature.¡ They like it hot and dry.¡ There are five nymph instars of chinch bugs ranging in size form 1mm - 3 mm."It takes 30-90 days to reach adulthood.¡ There are two generations per year, with a partial third generation in unusually warm Summers.¡ The overlap of generations is large and any stage of the insects life can be found during the Summer.¡ They can do a lot of damage quickly."A surface feeding insect control treatment will reduce the population to avoid turf injury.¡ Properties are monitored and treated accordingly as with any pest issue.¡ This insect is actively feeding from Spring through the Fall."Bill Bugs"The most reliable timing of¡ insecticide application for New England appears to be June, targeting some small larvae. Several insecticides have shown reasonable activity against billbugs. "Billbugs begin their activity early in the Spring. They lay their eggs in the grass blades. The larva feed burrowing down the blade. The bluegrass billbug completes one generation per year. Billbugs can overwinter as adults in semi-protected areas (in surface litter around buildings, in leaf litter, or in hedgerows). Adults emerge during the first warm periods in the spring and begin to move to suitable turf sites. Adults can be observed crossing paved areas on sunny days in late May or early June. "The adult females lay eggs in June, which hatch into small larvae and feed within the grass stems for about two weeks. As they grow, they molt and move to the bases of plants, where they feed on the crowns. Eventually they also feed on roots and rhizomes. In areas where bluegrass billbug larvae have been feeding actively, there will be accumulations of &frass,& or insect excrement, which is white and has the texture of fine sawdust. The &frass& serves as positive identification of bluegrass billbug damage. Feeding damage usually is evident along the edges of paved areas and may resemble salt damage (except that billbug damage appears in July). Eventually the damage may spread throughout the turfgrass expanse. Larvae continue to feed for most of the summer and then pass through a brief pupa (&resting&) stage in the soil in late August. Young adults then emerge and seek out suitable overwintering sites during September and October. Thus the primary period for damage is in late July and most of August, while the larvae are feeding actively."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Long Driveways Project"LONG DRIVEWAYS"Long driveway allow clients privacy and generally a lack of noise. Listening to nature songs will come with a price. Yearly maintenance work tasks can help keep
over grown brush and grasses at bay for only so long. After a while the mowing with a lawn mower will not work. Cutting with hand prunner's or a small chain saw become very time consuming. It can become frustrating and often clients will just skip a few years. Saplings begin to grow up, vines begin to wrap the saplings together. Winter snow bend is just waiting to push the saplings across your driveway during a severe snow storm. If you are lucky when the snow melts the saplings will bend back up enough to navigate your driveway. "Snow bend damage setup for snow storm entrapment"Snow bend damage in this picture is a certain set up for the next Winter snow storm to trap you in your home possibly for days"Clear prior to winter storms to avoid such a scenario"Removal Of Debris"Right Tools are mandatory, but it's still hard work."End of the Driveway"No matter how over grown your driveway is of saplings, brush, vines or downed trees it can be cleared prior to winter storms to avoid such a scenario."A four man crew with our larger chipper with a winch to pull saplings loaded with vine to the chipper was the best method to use with removal of debris.¡ This would be called a 6-8 Year clearance cut.¡ Which means if the client did not do any yearly maintenance to their driveway they would be right back in the same boat they were before we came and cut in probably 6 years and certainly by 8 years."After We Did The Cutting"A four man crew, a large capacity winch on the chipper, two chip trucks per day, extension chain saws, hand chain saws, hand held brush cutter, a Billy Goat two wheeled brush cutter and extension shears. This is hard work even with the right tools. Without the right tools it becomes frustrating for the employees.¡ The right tool for the right job keep all safe and very efficient on any work task."¡"There are not that many people that have a driveway this long.¡ This one was very close to a mile long."The end of the driveway looking from the house side before we cut."The driveway can now be yearly maintained by the client. It could be mowed with a Billy Goat wheeled brush mower 2-3 time and no herbicide would be needed. They could mow and use herbicide or they could just use herbicide. This driveway should be maintained on a yearly basis. It could extend this cutting to a ten year rotation. Our four man crew took just shy of three days to complete this project. Without the right equipment it would have taken five days easily. This work must be done prior to any work done on your electric house drop line."Now the road is clear it's time to clear the electric house drop line from the street to house. Distribution lines for our electricity are maintained by your electric provider.¡ They are responsible for the poles, trees branches growing into the lines, taking down dead trees next to the distribution line."The house drop electric lines are the responsibility of the home owner to maintain.¡ You as the home owner are responsible for all work done on the line and pole's on your property."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home">img src=&18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& title=&Need to Climb& alt=&1. Work contiues& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&All the remaining leaders need to be climbed as the crane has a longer reach it must take smaller pieces.& title=&18-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/19-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The drop zone must be clear before the next pic is lowered.& title=&19-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/20-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang straight& title=&20-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/22-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang the way the weight commands& title=&22-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/23crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&This pic is about 35' in length and about 17& in diameter at the base& title=&23crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/27-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The tree is getting much smaller.& title=&27-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/28-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The lower portions of the trunk are to big for the chipper and have to loaded on the log loader.& title=&28-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/29-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The base of this pic is larger than 18& in diameter.& title=&29-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/35-crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Even the small pic's are bigger than ropes can handle.& title=&35-crane.jpg& >/a >/li "
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"Tree and Lawn Care"Site by"Mass. Certified Arborist 1387N.H. Certified Arborist 283"Mockingbird Hill Tree and Lawn Care ¡ 147 Rhode Island Rd (RT 79)¡ Lakeville ¡ MA 02347"Proactive Tree and Shrub
Service and Protection through Preventative Maintenance"Consultation Services"Massachusetts Associationof Lawn Care Professionals"Your local Plant Health Care Specialists with the experience, reliability and expertise in environmentally sensible tree and lawn care. "Serving the Southeast Massachusetts Communities. "Tree Service in Boston"22¡ Hill Tree and Lawn Care"What's New"Consultation Services"Mockingbird Hill Consultation is free on any possible work task project you may wish to discuss in reference to Lawn Care, Tree Care or Landscape needs¡ We have a vast amount of experience in the &Green Industry& and tailor our work projects to client needs.If you want to selectively cut trees in your front yard and install a new turf area we are the Company you want to talk with.¡ Most & Tree Companies& have very limited experience with Lawn Care Projects.¡ Most & Lawn Care Companies& have limited experience with Tree Care Projects.¡ Mockingbird Hill has extensive knowledge in both aspects, Tree and Lawn Care.We will charge for any consultation dealing with possible litigation.¡ A car drives off the roadway and did extensive damage to your turf areas and damaged several Ornamental trees.¡ Your neighbor cut down the hedge between your properties thinking it was on his land when it was really on your land.¡ In both of these scenarios a & Cost Replacement Value& can be put on damaged plants.¡ Talk with a consultant before you get a check from the other parties Insurance Company.¡ The Insurance Company will be quick to settle before you talk to a good consultant.If your neighbor cut Mature trees down that were on your property.¡ Only the stump is left, the value of that tree can be determined through & Trunk Formula Method&¡ Unfortunately we do not offer this service.¡ But we will be happy to put you in touch with several others that do offer this type of service."Experienced Tree and Lawn Experts¡ in your Local Environment"Mockingbird Hill Christmas Tree Farm 2020 "Tree Removal, Cabling and Bracing"Storm Damage?Yes, we can help you"Seasoned Firewood"Bundles can be purchased in many local stores."Christmas Trees"Opening11/30/202410 to 5 PM."Beech Leaf Disease"Beach leaf disease is a foliar disease, meaning it affects the leaves of the tree, and it's caused by a non-native nematode, which is a microscopic type of worm-like organism.Mockingbird Hill is working closely with scientists at UMass Amherst to find solutions to this problem with is affecting Beech trees along the entire East coast.At this time there is no easy or affordable solution.We can treat individual trees. Contact us for further information"Fri 12 to 5 Sat < Sun 10 to 5Following Weekends"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Maintenance Weeding Edging Mulch"Maintenance - Weeding, EdgingMulch Installation"We all want our properties to look manicured. We try to explain the proper progression to our clients so that if they
choose to try and perform time consuming simple tasks they can. Weeding is a simple task unless you're in a perennial bed. Many perennials look like weeds. You need to use a claw of some type to get the roots of the weeds. Pulling off the head of the weed is a waste of time. It will push through your new mulch very quickly. You may have to remove some of last years mulch. Otherwise it will lead to mounding your plants"Before"After"Edging takes place with a straight nursery spade cutting a clean edge dividing turf areas from the shrub beds. A claw or a grub hoe is the preferred tool for extracting the debris. The cut only has to be three inches deep to get the best visual effect. Debris is put into a wheelbarrow and loaded on a truck or dumped on site if allowable. This debris makes great compost. We compost all debris generated by these work task projects. With weeding and edging complete you can spread granular fertilizer and/or install a soaker hose to water your plants that will be covered by the mulch. A soaker hose is the best method of watering your shrubs and ornamental trees. Above ground irrigation will aggravate disease on the foliage of your plants. Preparing your shrub beds for mulch is where all the work is. "Veterans Memorial ParkMiddleboro"Spreading bark mulch is like painting. You want to spread the mulch so you do not leave foot tracks. Work your way out of the shrub bed covering the installed soaker hose. Spread the mulch as you go, otherwise if you put piles all over everywhere you will use more mulch than you necessary. Bark mulch should only be 2-3& deep. The concept of mulching your plants is about plant health care, but the esthetic value is a big plus. Mulch is used to slow down soil temperature fluctuation and help retain natural rainfall."If your house has a dark color use a light bark mulch color. If your house has a light color use a dark mulch. All landscape is about contrast. Wood chips can be used for plant health care but will give you no esthetic value. Wood chips are generally used on back border areas or children's play areas. Wood chips are too small for termite activity to take place. Termites may crawl through wood chips to get to your house but they are not attracted by the wood chips."Edging"Click images to enlarge"Before"After"Do not use peat moss for mulch. Peat moss is a soil amendment mixed in poor soils to help retain water. Peat moss spread and not mixed will absorb all the water. When the sun hits the peat moss it will turn into a impermeable surface and the water will run off not getting to your plants. This is a common mistake made by home owners."Before"After"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Moths Ticks Mosquitoes"Winter Moths, Caterpillars, Wood Ticks and Mosquitoes"During the past ten years many in Plymouth County had to deal with those nasty caterpillars.¡ The staff at Mockingbird Hil
l Tree < Lawn Care LLC has been fielding calls on this subject all Winter long.¡ It is hard to believe that people were thinking about the caterpillar problem so early.¡ But this goes to show how the caterpillar invasion has effected people.¡ We have looked at the devastation on many properties and rural road sides caused by repeated defoliation of many tree species.¡ The tree mortality will be very apparent once the trees foliate.¡ Healthy trees can only deal with defoliation several times.¡ Every time a tree has to set a second set of leaves during the growing Season the leaves will be smaller collecting less energy for the biomass of the plant.¡ This leaves less energy for the tree to foliate the next Spring."There is no simple answer to this question.¡ &Mother Nature& is unpredictable as she has shown us with weather in the past five years.¡ This past Winter was unseasonably warm which will have little effect on eggs hatching this Spring.¡ The Spring weather will have a direct effect on how many of the eggs that hatch survive.¡ If the weather remain warmer than usual the egg hatch could be a week or so early as well.¡ Eggs on the south side of a tree will hatch up to a week earlier than eggs on the north side of a tree."The Winter Moth larva and Fall Cankerworm hatch before bud break much closer to bud swell mid-April normally.¡ The eggs are in the bark crevices and can not be seen with the naked eye.¡ They will crawl into the buds before they open and eat the flowers and young tender foliage.¡ They are a serious problem for orchardists, blue berry and cranberry growers.¡ If the foliage opens on your trees and the leaves are full of pin holes chances are good that Winter moth larva are present.¡ They are small green and blend in well with the foliage.¡ Webbing can be seen around smaller ornamental tree branches long before the caterpillars are seen with the naked eye.¡ You can not control the insect in the bud without a systemic insecticide that would need to be applied to the soil and take months to get into the vascular system of the tree.¡ Foliar spray application can begin when the leaves are ½-¾¡ fully foliated.¡ Not all trees foliate at the same time which adds to the equation.¡ In fact the spread of Winter Moth and Fall Canker worm is expected to grow.¡ If you had moths flying around last November and December you can expect the green eating machines this Spring.Home owners need to monitor their trees for signs of activity early.¡ Walk around your property and carefully examine your plants.¡ A magnifying glass can be quite helpful.¡ Although my gut instinct is that the caterpillar problem is going to be very active and more wide spread than last year.¡ I am reluctant to say this with any degree of certainty because &Mother Nature& plays by her own set of rules.¡ The projected frost on 03/26/12 with a week of cooler weather could be a big factor on egg hatch for Winter Moth.¡ You are better off to monitor and prepare for a problem that you may not have than to have a problem that you are not prepared for.What Can be done?A border spray application is what we recommend for control of Winter Moth.¡ We spray your whole border and everything inside the border.¡ We are running 2-3 crews.¡ We can not spray in the rain or if the wind gets above 15 MPH.¡ You need to call the office and talk with a representative.¡ They will address¡ cost, questions and concerns and put your property on our spray list if you wish.¡ We have to go to the properties on the list first in order to be fair to all our customers.I was fortunate to be able to attend a seminar several weeks ago which featured some of the top entomologists in New England.¡ Each guest speaker had their own topic.¡ Several spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth, one spoke specifically about the increase of wood ticks and one spoke specifically about mosquitoes.¡ It was extremely informative with too much detail to explain in this article.The entomologists that spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth,¡ agreed with my comments about the egg hatch.¡ There will be heavy populations hatching by the end of March and maybe earlier if the weather stays real warm.¡ A great website for caterpillars and other insect information. The entomologist that spoke about wood ticks said they were on the increase.¡ One in five Deer Ticks will carry Lyme Disease.¡ Protect your self while in wooded habitats with long pants.¡ Check your body and your children daily for ticks.¡ You can spray your woods border, turf and shrubs with a barrier insecticide application which will reduce tick populations.¡ Applications should be made in May, June and July in a normal year.¡ We offer these services.¡ If you apply insecticides yourself.¡ Read the label, it must be registered for tick control, the application rate will be on the label.¡ Mix the insecticide at the required rate do not add more.¡ Wooded borders in the forest duff or forest floor is their favored ground but tall grassy areas will also yield high populations of ticks.¡ A great website for much more information on wood ticks is www.tickencounter.org .¡ A Deer tick has to be feeding on you for twenty four hours before the Lyme disease can enter your blood stream.¡ The entomologist that spoke about mosquitoes said that the amount of stagnant water in small pools will have a direct effect on how many mosquitoes hatch.¡ Check your property for any container like a trash can or five gallon bucket or anything that will hold small amounts of water.¡ They will breed mosquitoes. So dump out any water that you find.¡ Check the screens in your house for holes.¡ Mosquitoes can carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis, EEE and West Nile Virus, WNV.¡ Once again protect yourself and your family.¡ A barrier insecticide application will repel mosquitoes and ticks in one application.¡¡ If you have to go out at dusk put on a mosquito repellant and or wear a long sleeved shirt.¡ Plymouth County¡ will spray your property for you on request.¡ You must call 781-585-5450.¡ They will spray your property for up to ten requests beginning Memorial Day through Labor Day.¡¡ Be patient this is a so called free service which we all¡ pay for in our taxation.¡ Many try to take advantage of this so the list to be sprayed can be long.¡ A website for more information mosquitoes, EEE and WNV is www.plymouthmosquito.com¡¡ Plymouth County Mosquitoes Control will be testing mosquitoes for EEE and WNV in Lakeville and Middleboro as soon as they emerge.¡ If high numbers of infected mosquitoes are found aerial application of insecticide will probably take place.¡ You can also contact your represenative's and inform them about how you feel individually about aerial spraying for mosquitoes whether¡ it be pro or con."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"brushog mowing"Brushog Mowing 2"Click images to enlarge"Forest borders will reclaim their turf very quickly.¡ Cutting under story saplings and wild vines will leave a root system that will push new f
oliage to 4'-6' in one growing season.¡ The picture below shows a border area that was clear cut of the under story including 12'-18' saplings.¡ The original cutting took 40+ hours to cut and chip debris.¡ This picture was taken 7 months after the original cutting."This brushog mowing was completed in less than 2 hours once the machine was on site."The tractor is 40 H.P. with four wheel drive.¡ A set of forks can be place in front instead of the loader if big logs or debris has to be mover prior to mowing."The brushog mower is 6' by 6', any brush the front end loader can push over the &Hog will eat it&."In this scenario debris were left to breakdown as opposed to raking up. There was some hand cutting by a fence area and the client wanted more area cleared once they saw how quickly this machine works"Having all the tools- &Toys& to complete the work project in a safe efficient manor allows Mockingbird Hill to complete work projects in less time than other companies.¡ Knowing when and where to use our specialty equipment is what sets us apart from other companies. "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Necrotic Ring Spot"Lawn Diseases - Necrotic Ring Spot"Symptoms of necrotic ring spot appear as circular, ring-shaped, or serpentine patches of dead or dying turf. Affected areas may be a few inches t
o a foot or more in diameter. These patches may at times coalesce, or they may stand out as individual dead rings. Leaves and stems of affected turf appear yellow or red, then turn a light tan as the disease progresses. Roots and crowns of diseased plants are rotted and recovery of affected areas is slow. Necrotic ring spot seldom occurs in newly planted turf but can occur on turf that has been recently sodded. It may begin during the fourth or fifth year following seeding and can become progressively more severe."Necrotic ringspot is caused by a soil-borne fungus called Ophiosphaerella korrae. The fungus survives from year to year on dead, colonized bluegrass roots and crowns or on the surface of living roots. The fungus actively colonizes the outside of roots at soil temperatures between 65° and 80° F. These temperatures occur from mid-May through mid-September along the Front Range, but may vary somewhat on the Western Slope and at higher elevations. The fungus eventually penetrates roots and colonizes the root cortex. This either debilitates or kills roots and leads to a decrease in water and nutrient uptake by the plant. Plants with extensively damaged root systems are more prone to injury or death, particularly during periods of high temperature or drought stress. Thus, NRS symptoms often don't show up until July or August even though root colonization begins in May and continues throughout the summer."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Red Oak Project"PRUNING < CABLING A LARGE RED OAK"Beautiful Feature Shade Tree Before and After"Mouse-over image to pause slide and read title"It will probably be ten years before the property owner
should thin and clean the upper foliar crown on this majestic shade tree again."Click images to enlarge"Red Oak Before"Red Oak Completed"The work that we did on this mature tree will add years to its life.¡ This beautiful feature shade tree will give shade, add to resale property value and give oxygen for us to breath for many years to come."See the process below in the slide show."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Ornamental"Ornamental Pruning Services"Ornamental Shrub Pruning"Ornamental Tree Pruning"Ornamental tree pruning is in a category of its own.¡ If Mature Tree pruning was a & &Grisly Bear& then Ornamen
tal Tree Pruning would be a &Black Bear&.¡ This relates to the size of the plant at maturity.¡ Often the Ornamental tree is planted to close to the house in a plant bed that is not large enough to allow it to grow to maturity.¡ We often hear & Its to big!, its taking over the house, can you do anything with it?&¡ The answer is yes and no.¡ Yes drop crotch pruning can be performed allowing a crown reduction but this is a temporary fix.¡ This can be performed on most but not all Ornamental tree species.¡ This type of pruning can be performed on trees and may have to be done again in 3-4 years.¡ If that happens it will only take 3-4 pruning's before the tree begins to look & Stubby&.The trees need to be clear from the roof or structure of the building.¡ Often walkway need to be clear of branches.¡ Once crown reduction takes place most of the trees are at or close to the 25% foliage reduction rule for any growing Season.¡ Meaning thinning cuts can not be made that Season.Ornamental trees need crown cleaning and thinning.¡ Sucker growth become thick and shade desirable foliage to the point of death.¡ The thick inner foliage remains wetter longer during the day allowing Fungus and Bacteria to spread faster creating pre mature leaf drop- which is a completely different subject.Tipping back the branch tips to acquire a more rounded shape to the upper foliar crow can be done on certain species.¡ This helps to keep the size of the tree down and is minimal foliage reduction if it is performed frequently.The Species of tree and the location of the tree on your property will dictate what type of pruning will be best for your individual situation.¡ This can only be determined by a site evaluation."Sometimes foundation plantings are let go to long.¡ At this point a new owner to the house would probably remove all plant materials and start over.¡ Elders have lived in this house for a long time and are reluctant to any change.¡ Communication was critical in this situation.All of their neighbors complimented the owners which made them once again very proud of there home.¡ No matter how hard you try you can not get a Porsche¡ out of a Volkswagen.¡ But if you do the best you can with any given work task.¡ You can make it work."View the overgrown before photo and then after initial pruning."Ornamental shrub pruning can be divided into two separate categories, naturalistic pruning and shearing.¡ Naturalistic pruning we use hand snip's, Felco Hand prunner's,¡ they allow us to get a better cut.¡ Pole clips and large A- Frame ladders allow us to put the third leg of the ladder into the shrub we are working on like Rhotodendrons.¡ Shearing we use 8' extension shears to cut new growth off Japanese Yews, Arborvitae."No job too big!"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Planting"Tree and Shrub Planting"There is an old saying & Anyone can plant a shrub or a tree&.¡ There is no statement further from the truth.¡ The hole has to be dug correctly.¡ The root collar has t
o be at the right height.¡ You can not use a Nitrogen fertilizer in the soil you back fill the plant with.¡ By far the biggest mistake is to put the wrong plant in the wrong place.¡ You need to look at the environmental factors of the planting site.¡ The site is excessively wet.¡ You have full sun / shade.¡ The site is on a hill with high winds, etc.¡ Will the plant have irrigation?"Click image to view slides of proper planting of trees"Clients call Mockingbird Hill when they see a problem with their trees and shrubs.¡ Often the problem - A Biotic started with improper¡ planting techniques,¡ Planted to deep or it is mounded.¡ This can take years for the full effect to show on the plant. The plastic wrap was left on the root ball.¡ This can take 2-3 years before death occurs.¡ The wire cage was left on intact.¡ This could take 10-12 years to show full effects.¡ The tree may have been planted close to correct but the hole was narrow and they twisted the tree to make a fuller crown face towards a visual point, the house window or the road view.¡ This caused the roots to grow in a circular motion thus cutting off the supply of water and nutrients from the roots as it grows. This is called a girdling root.¡ This scenario can take twenty to thirty years before the top of the tree begins to die.¡ Sometimes the plant has just out grown the space it has to grow.¡ Once again you half to pick the plant to fit the environmental factors of the site including size of the plant at maturity to allow for optimal growth and years of enjoyment from the plant."Installing a very large Stewardi / Nice plant"Fits the site perfectly!"Tree fits perfectly!"Installing tree"Trunk resembles a telephone pole no root flair planted too deep."Trunk shows it was planted too deep"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Pond extraction of tree"Extraction of Tree from Distant Pond"A large tree located far from the home and driveway needed extraction from the busy canal area of Lond Pond. A series of steps were devise
d to safely remove this without damaging the surrounding grounds despite its inaccessability.This project took a five man crew 3.5 Hours including travel¡ time.¡ They do not always work out this smoothly."The base of the tree where it broke off was about 19'¡ It went almost half way across a well traveled canal on Long Pond."The only access was over 200' away."Snatch blocks were set high on the trunk of a stable tree."The tree began to move."¡"Slowly she creeps back to land."The 2 Bull ropes have to be re positioned with every pull."A ½& smaller line is used on a second block for big lateral branches."The piece is cut and taken to the log loader by the 20H.P. John Deere with forks."We took 10' of but we still have a lot of tree left in the canal."Without the log loader this scenario would not be possible."The tree is getting smaller.¡ We have to clean up what we drag before we pull more tree in."The chain is tightened to get more of a pull as the tree gets smaller and lighter."Not much of a drag zone."We almost got it.¡ Not much left now."There¡ she be the top of the tree."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home">img src=&18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& title=&Need to Climb& alt=&1. Work contiues& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/18-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&All the remaining leaders need to be climbed as the crane has a longer reach it must take smaller pieces.& title=&18-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/19-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The drop zone must be clear before the next pic is lowered.& title=&19-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/20-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang straight& title=&20-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/22-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Some pics hang the way the weight commands& title=&22-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/23crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&This pic is about 35' in length and about 17& in diameter at the base& title=&23crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/27-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The tree is getting much smaller.& title=&27-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/28-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The lower portions of the trunk are to big for the chipper and have to loaded on the log loader.& title=&28-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/29-Crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&The base of this pic is larger than 18& in diameter.& title=&29-Crane.jpg& >/a >/li >li >a href=&& >img src=&images/35-crane.jpg& width=&450& height=&600& alt=&Even the small pic's are bigger than ropes can handle.& title=&35-crane.jpg& >/a >/li "
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"pruning information"Pruning Services"Ornamental Tree Pruning"People get their energy to support their &Biomass& from food. Trees get their energy to support their biomass from the sun. The only way t
rees can trap the sun to get energy is in the green foliage whether it is in leaves or needles. A reduction of foliage will give less energy to the biomass of the plant."Specific pruning standards need to be put in place prior to any pruning work task taking place. Tree, site evaluation is the first step. Client goals are determined- Clear branches from the house, shed / Clear electric house drop line / Thin foliar crown to give more sunlight to the lawn / remove dead branches over children's play areas / re shape the upper foliar crown to balance with other trees of the same species along the front of property. Estimated time to perform the work task with cost is given in a written form for the clients review."What we do "Pruning objectives should be established prior to beginning any pruning operation. This will establish how much pruning is to be done. The Tree Care Industry Association provides two basic objectives.Hazard Reduction Pruning, H.R.P.- Is recommended when the primary objective is to reduce the danger to a specific target caused by visibly defined hazards in a tree. For example, H.R.P. may be the primary objective if a tree had many dead limbs over a park bench.Maintenance Pruning, M.P. - Is recommended when the primary objective is to maintain or improve tree health and structure, and includes hazard reduction pruning. An example here might be to perform M.P. operation on a front yard tree."Pruning Types:Hazard reduction pruning and maintenance pruning should consist of one or more of the pruning types noted below."We use the Tree Pruning Standard during tree evaluation."_____ Crown cleaning....Crown cleaning shall consist of selective removal of one or more of the following items: dead, dying, or diseased branches, weak branches and waterspouts._____ Crown thinning....Crown thinning shall consist of the selective removal of branches to increase light penetration, air movement, and reduce weight. Diameter size of branches to be removed should be specified, example 2&, 3&, etc._____ Crown raising....Crown raising shall consist of the removal of the lower branches of a tree to provide clearance for mowing, roof clearance or to even the shape of lower crown._____ Crown Reduction, or Crown Shaping....Crown Reduction decreases the height and / or spread of a tree. Consideration will be given to the ability of a species to sustain this type of pruning._____ Vista Pruning....Vista Pruning is selective thinning of framework limbs or specific areas of the crown to allow a view of an object from a predetermined point._____ Crown Restoration....Crown Restoration pruning should improve the structure, form and appearance of trees which have been severely headed, vandalized, or storm damaged. Fruit trees are a good example."Branch Diameter Size ClassificationClass 1. - Removal of one inchClass 2. - Removal of two - four inchClass 3. - Removal of Four - Six inch"Under no circumstance will we prune with spurs or TOP TREES!"Tree pruning has a very wide range of aspects. First what category of tree are we going to work on? Shade Tree, Ornamental Tree or a Fruit Tree? What stage of life is the tree in ? Establishment Stage, Juvenile Stage, Mature Stage or - Declining Stage? Are there any biotic or A- biotic factors involved with the tree? Biotic- natural insect or disease, A - Biotic - Man made problems,. Planting depth is wrong, too high, a mounding effect or too deep, root flair is buried and the main trunk looks like a telephone pole. Grade change during construction is perhaps the most common A - Biotic problem causing many property owners grief."Fruit Tree Pruning"Ornamental Shrub Pruning"Pruning is the single best & investment& a property owner or community can make to ensure the survival and lengthen the life span of their trees. Pruning is performed for safety, extending life with corrective branch removal, esthetic value to property or to promote better fruit"Hedge Pruning"Click image to enlarge"Percentage of Foliar CrownThe Tree Care Industry Association Standard is no more that 25% Foliar reduction in one growing season. This is a National Standard and applies to most Tree Species in New England areas. There are exceptions to this Standard, they are determined by the species ability to with-stand heavy foliar reduction. The tree species and the pruning objectives determine what percentage of the plant can be removed without harming the health of a tree."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Red Thread Disease"Lawn Diseases - Red Thread Disease"Red Thread lawn fungus appears in turf as small pinkish-red spots or patches, usually in later May and June when temps are high, and humidity is
higher. Infected areas eventually turn light tan, and the leaf tips or margins may be covered with fine pink to red threads, giving the turf an overall pink coloration."Red Thread, also known as &Pink Patch,& occurs in the cooler and more humid areas of the Pacific Northwest, Northeast, and Midwest. It is most severe on slow growing, nitrogen- deficient turf grass during damp weather. We have had these exact conditions here in Chicago and Northwest Indiana these past few weeks of early June. (lots of rain, heat and humidity)"Susceptible turf grasses include bluegrasses, bent grass, fescues, Bermuda grass, and perennial ryegrass. The fungus actually over winter's on the leaves and in the debris of previously infected plants. The leaves and leaf sheaths appear to be the only grass parts that become diseased."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Lawn"Lawn¡Care¡Services"Installation"Fertilization¡Core¡Aeration"Weed¡Control"Lawn¡Diseases"Necrotic¡Ring¡Spot"Snow¡Mold"Red¡Thread"Brown¡Patch"Fusarium¡Blight"Dollar¡Spot"Lawn¡Insects"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Winter¡Moths,¡Ticks,¡Mosquitos"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Tree Removal"Mockingbird Hill Tree Removal Services"Mockingbird Hill performs many tree removals each and every year.¡ We try to educate our clients about proper tree removal. If a tree has structura
l defects in the root flair, cavities of decayed wood deep into the heartwood, stress cracks in the main trunk, wind shear or lightning damage.¡ it's a no brainier.¡ Take it down.¡ If you are putting on a new garage, shed, children's play area or a new pool.¡ You have no choice take them down so you can move on with your project.¡ Its always cheaper to take the trees down before you put in the pool.¡ If you are putting in a pool watch how the sun travels across the area you want the pool installed.¡ We get several calls a year &¡ The pool is shaded in the afternoon and so it's cold we want more sunlight to the pool&.¡ In this scenario thinning the upper foliar crown will probably not give you the sunlight you want.¡ If it does it's a temporary fix.¡ If it's a feature tree on your property, shading your house during summer heat saving you energy on air conditioning, adding to your re - sale property value.¡ We inform clients about why we would not advise removing the tree.¡¡ If we explain the &Pro's and Con's & of removing a specific tree and the client say's & I don't like raking acorns in the front lawn&.¡ We will be happy to give the client a proposal about removal.¡ The client can now make an educated decision.¡ Do not takedown a tree because you are afraid of it falling unless you have a reason.¡ If a tree worker, self claimed Arborist with no certification, or just someone who knocks on your door after a storm because you have some damage do your self a favor.¡ Ask them a price for removing a feature tree that you really do not want to remove.¡ If they do not tell you the benefits of keeping the tree and just give you a price they are looking at your wallet not your trees.¡ Stay far away from anyone who is knocking on your door for work - BIG RED FLAG"Not all trees should be removed"Old Beautiful Feature Tree"Complicated and Large Removals"Expert Climbers"Click image to enlarge"Tree removal can be performed by climbers if no truck access is available as long as the trees are safe to climb. An aerial lift is the preferred method of removal.¡ It is safe and very efficient.¡ For large trees a crane may be the most cost effective way to remove the tree in a safe and efficient manor.¡ If you have many trees a crane may be the best answer.¡ You need room for the crane and room for the drop zone - clean up area."Most removals do not require a crane.¡ Many companies will try to sell you crane time because they have a payment to make.¡ Mockingbird Hill sub-contracts a crane as needed.¡ It takes time to coordinated dates, wind is a major factor.¡ If you have a date with the crane and it's a high wind day it will take time to re - schedule."click above to view slide show"Huge tree removal"If the work project is that big you will want the company you hire to supply a log loader.¡ The safest and most efficient way to remove wood quickly.¡ They should supply a wood chipper with capabilities of chipping 18& wood ( Pine ).¡ They should also supply several chip trucks.¡ This keeps the drop zone clear of debris.¡ Quiz the contractor about equipment to be used on your project before you sign the proposal."Large trunk removal"Click image to enlarge"Click image to enlarge"If removals are completed with a aerial lift or by climbers the & Terms of Engagement are close if not the same&¡ Using ropes as a crane over a target rich drop zone.¡ If the trucks can get close to the drop zone it will save you time and money.¡ Using the aerial lift will allow the operator to take bigger pieces to lower to the ground in a safe and efficient manor.¡ Climbing to remove trees is a dying art.¡ Most companies use an aerial lift.¡ Tree workers are spending more time in the bucket truck than on a rope.¡ Most smaller companies have very limited climbing capabilities.¡ Be sure you know the capabilities of the company you hire.¡ Tom the owner is a &Manila Man&, that is the type of rope he began to climb on in 1973.¡¡ There's Manila, Dacron, 3 Strand and now there are many different type of ropes that climbers use.¡¡ Mockingbird Hill worked off ropes until 2002 when we purchased a 62' bucket truck.¡ We know ropes well.If you search the I.S.A. ( International Arborist Association ) climbers website back to the early 1996 you will find many posts from the & Mockingbird& discussing climbing and rigging, including SLA ( Single Line Assent ion).¡ Basically without getting too deep we use rope to lower parts of the tree into a desired drop zone.¡ We can use one rope if the drop zone is open and not to target rich, buildings, pools, shrubs.¡ We may use two ropes, a tip - load line and a but hinge line to remove a large branch, leader or an entire tree.¡ We may put a third line on it to make sure it falls in the right direction - directional line.¡ We may use a re - direct line from another point in the tree we are removing or it may be in a separate tree to make the piece be lowered into a target free drop zone.¡ There are so many combinations of rigging techniques it would be impossible to list them in this page.¡ We can make smaller tree removals, large leaders, branches take place going from standing to the chipper with out touching the ground until the piece is out of a target rich drop zone - see slide show below.¡ We could talk about &Zip lines, Trolley Lines&.¡ That would take pages.¡ These are complicated rigging techniques.¡ Knowing which scenario to use them could save you the price of a crane.¡ The simple rigging listed above most Arboricultural contractors SHOULD have that ability.¡ If the contractor can not explain & Zip Lines or Trolley lines& they have very limited experience with rigging.Only takedown a tree if you have reason, sometimes it might just be a frame of mind, if you are constantly thinking its going to fall,¡ if it makes your significant other sleep better at night, it might be the best reason."Close-up views of huge boughs and tree removal"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Rhizosphaera Needle Cast"Tree Diseases - Rhizosphaera Needle Cast"We started getting many calls about Blue Spruce browning out in 2010.¡ In the following years we got more calls.¡ We now average more
than 20 + calls a year on Blue Spruce trees browning beginning on the bottom needles and working its way up the tree.Rhizosphaera spores require water to germinate.¡ Water must be present on the needles for 48 hours for the spores to breach the epidermis of the needle.¡ Warm temperatures at 77 degrees during wet periods will enhance the spread of spores.¡ Trees with poor drying conditions, shaded trees, trees with dense foliage and trees with areas of poor air circulation are the most susceptible.¡ Most infection begins at the bottom needles.¡ Irrigation heads that keep lower needles on Spruce and Fir trees wet constantly will speed up the amount of damaged needles."Needles infected in the Spring will not show signs of symptoms until late summer when they will brown out.¡ The browning will continue through the Winter.¡ It takes about one year from infection of the needle to the time the needle drops to the ground.¡ Cast needles will spread new spores in the Spring when activated with water.¡ Dead needles that drop to the ground should be remove off of the property or burned.¡ This will reduce the amount of spores in the Spring."Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Trees"Rhizosphaera Needle Cast Tree closeup"Control is not simple.¡ It will take 3-4 spray applications in the Spring as the needle elongate.¡ The applications need to take place about every two weeks.¡ Its all about the rain fall.¡ Fungicides are protectant sprays.¡ They cover the foliage and stop spores from infecting.¡ We might go over the two week time frame to do a spray application if there is no rain in the future.¡ We may do an application in 10-12 days apart is there is a lot of natural rain."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Rhododendron reduction"Rhododendron Reduction"New Beautiful Look for front garden of rhododendrons"Click images to enlarge"This brushog mowing was completed in less than 2 hours once the machine was
on site."Having all the tools- &Toys& to complete the work project in a safe efficient manor allows Mockingbird Hill to complete work projects in less time than other companies.¡ Knowing when and where to use our specialty equipment is what sets us apart from other companies. "Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"scale insects"Scale Insects"Scale insects are a peculiar group and look quite different from the typical insects we encounter day to day. Small, immobile, with no visible legs or antennae, they resem
ble individual fish scales pressed tightly against the plant on which they are feeding."Scale insects feed on plant sap.¡ Feeding by scales slowly reduces plant vigor. Heavily infested plants grow poorly and may suffer dieback of twigs and branches. Occasionally, an infested host will be so weakened that it dies. Sooty Mold a fungus often grows on the excrement of the insects.¡ This is black in nature and can not be mistaken."During the summer, control requires accurate identification of the pest species so that hatching dates of crawlers can be determined. Once the pest is identified and proper timing known, any one of several common insecticides can be used. We also use systemic insecticides with a foliage application or soil injection depending on severity of infestation.¡ This increases the window of control."Damage"Armored Scales"Scale insects can be roughly divided into two groups: armored scales and soft scales. Armored scales are so named because they secrete a protective cover over their bodies. Most species overwinter as eggs beneath the female cover. In spring, eggs hatch into tiny mobile crawlers which migrate to new feeding sites. After a few days, crawlers settle, insert their mouthparts, and begin feeding. Soon they secrete a protective cover and lose their legs. Large populations can build up unnoticed before plants begin to show visible symptoms. Our most common armored scale pests are described and illustrated below."These scales are shaped like the shell of an oyster. They are chestnut to dark brown, sometimes with lighter transverse bands. Twigs are often completely encrusted with scales. This is a common and destructive pest of over l20 different species of fruit trees, shade trees, and woody ornamental shrubs. Hosts include apple, lilac, dogwood, boxwood, birch, elm, sycamore, viburnum and many others. There are two generations per year with crawlers active May l-20 and July l5- 25."Mature scales are pure white and shaped like oyster shells. This is a common and serious pest of ornamental pines and various spruces. Less preferred hosts include hemlock and fir. Ornamental plants, Christmas tree plantations, and nursery stock are more frequently infested than forest trees. In heavy infestations, needles may be completely whitened by a continuous layer of scales.¡ Crawlers are active between April 20-May 30 and July l0- 20."Oystershell Scale"Females are pear-shaped and blackish-brown. Males are elongate and white. This is a common and serious pest of evergreen euonymus, often causing defoliation and dieback. Pachysandra and bittersweet are also suitable hosts. There are two generations per year. Crawlers are active May 5-June l0 and August l-25. ."Females are round and dirty-white with yellow centers. Under a magnifying glass they resemble miniature fried eggs. Males are also white, but smaller and narrower. Hosts include junipers, arborvitae, incense cedar, and cypress. There are two generations annually. Crawlers are active April 5-20 and June 5-20."Juniper Scale"In general, soft scales are larger and more convex than armored scales. Many resemble miniature tortoise shells. Soft Scales usually cover themselves with wax, but they lack the detachable protective cover for which armored scales are named. Most soft scales overwinter as immature, fertilized females. In spring they resume feeding, mature, and lay eggs. These hatch into tiny crawlers. After locating suitable feeding sites, crawlers settle and begin feeding. Some species lose their legs once they've settled, but others retain them and are able to crawl short distances to find suitable overwintering sites in the fall. Except for soft scales which infest indoor plants, most have only a single generation per year at our latitude. Our most common soft scale pests are described and illustrated below:"Our largest scale insect, this species reaches l/2 inch in length. Color ranges from dark brown to pink-orange and older scales are covered with a white waxy powder. Large amounts of a sticky waste product called honeydew are secreted by the scales. Wasps and ants are attracted to the honeydew and black fungi called sooty molds grow on surfaces where honeydew collects. There is one generation per year with crawlers active from September l-20, much later than most other species."Dormant oils are effective on the overwintering stage of most species, but they can only be applied in early spring before leaves appear. Adult scales are protected from insecticides by waxy coverings. Control measures, therefore, must be aimed at unprotected immatures (crawlers) or the overwintering stage."Pine Needle Scale"Euonymus Scale"Soft Scales"Magnolia Scale"Tuliptree Scale"Fletcher Scale"European Fruit Lecanium"This is our second largest scale, reaching l/3 inch in length. Color varies from gray-green to pink-orange, mottled with black. It is easily mistaken for magnolia scale but lacks the white, waxy powder. Both tulip tree and magnolia are attacked and may be seriously weakened. Large amounts of honeydew are produced. There is one generation per year with crawlers active September l-20. A single female can produce over 3000 young!"Mature scales are shiny, dark brown, and very convex. They are similar in appearance to European fruit lecanium and oak lecanium which are close relatives. Arborvitae and yew are the most frequently attacked hosts, but pachysandra and Eastern Red cedar are also susceptible. Honeydew excreted by the scales supports unsightly, sooty molds. There is one generation per year with crawlers active June 5-25. When necessary, treat between June l0-l5."Typical scales are l/8 inch long, oval, and very convex. Color varies considerably with age and host, but usually they are brown to reddish-brown, smooth and shiny. The host list of this insect includes a wide range of fruit and shade trees, shrubs, and other woody ornamentals. Favorite hosts include peach, cherry, plum, apple, ash, blueberry, black walnut, boxelder, elm, grape, hickory, locust, magnolia, maple, oak, redbud, willow, and many others. There is one generation per year with crawlers active between June l-20. "Long, white, cottony egg sacs produced by this scale are much more conspicuous than the scales themselves. After completion of the egg sac, the female dies, dries up, and falls to the ground. Host plants include camellia, holly, taxus, rhododendron, hydrangea, maple, and English ivy. There is one generation per year with crawlers active June l-l0. When necessary, treat June l0-20."Cottony Camellia Scale, Cottony Taxus Scale"Cottony Maple Scale"Cottony Maple Leaf Scale"Large, conspicuous, white egg sacs are produced on the twigs and small branches of host plants. Conspicuous, cottony egg sacs, similar to cottony maple scale, but produced on the leaves. Occurs on maple, dogwood, holly, andromeda, and gum. There is one generation per year with crawlers hatching June l-l0. When necessary, treat between June l5-30."Large, conspicuous, white egg sacs are produced on the twigs and small branches of host plants. During summer, immature scales feed on leaves, but they migrate to twigs as fall approaches. Honeydew excreted by the scales supports unsightly, sooty mold growth. Cottony maple scale is most common on silver maple, but also found on other maples, boxelder, linden, black locust, red mulberry, white ash, apple, beech, cherry, dogwood, elm, hickory, holly, honeylocust, peach, plum, sycamore, willow, and others. There is one generation per year with crawlers active June 5-25. When necessary, treat on both June l0 and 20."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Snow Bend Hedge"Snow Bend Hedges Project"¡ This Hedge is still 13’ tall with complete screen of the neighbors property."The Nemo and Saturn Blizzards devastated our surrounding towns and nature had i
ts way with many plants.¡ Either of these two storms could have been called & The most damaging storm in three decades&¡ Evergreens were hit the hardest because they hold their needles through out the winter.¡ Hedges in particular took much damage."Mouse-over image to pause slide and read title"Pruning your hedges yearly or bi - yearly, maintaining a reasonable height every two - three years can save your property screen.¡ To replace a 13' screen like this hedge would cost between $12,000.00 - $15,000.00.¡ If you can find the plants this size."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Spraying"Tree and Shrub SprayingControlling Insects and Diseases on Your Property"Tulip Tree"Tulip Tree we measured in August 6 - 2001 it was 112'¡ Its probably 118-119' now. "Dormant Oil spraying to
ornamental hedges and ornamental trees at one of our client's cottages."Winter Moth Caterpillars, Wood Ticks and Mosquitoes "During the past ten years many in Plymouth County had to deal with those nasty caterpillars.¡ The staff at Mockingbird Hill Tree < Lawn Care LLC has been fielding calls on this subject all Winter long.¡ It is hard to believe that people were thinking about the caterpillar problem so early.¡ But this goes to show how the caterpillar invasion has effected people.¡ We have looked at the devastation on many properties and rural road sides caused by repeated defoliation of many tree species.¡ The tree mortality will be very apparent once the trees foliate.¡ Healthy trees can only deal with defoliation several times.¡ Every time a tree has to set a second set of leaves during the growing Season the leaves will be smaller collecting less energy for the biomass of the plant.¡ This leaves less energy for the tree to foliate the next SpringThere is no simple answer to this question.¡ &Mother Nature& is unpredictable as she has shown us with weather in the past five years.¡ This past Winter was unseasonably warm which will have little effect on eggs hatching this Spring.¡ The Spring weather will have a direct effect on how many of the eggs that hatch survive.¡ If the weather remain warmer than usual the egg hatch could be a week or so early as well.¡ Eggs on the south side of a tree will hatch up to a week earlier than eggs on the north side of a tree.The Winter Moth larva and Fall Cankerworm hatch before bud break much closer to bud swell mid-April normally.¡ The eggs are in the bark crevices and can not be seen with the naked eye.¡ They will crawl into the buds before they open and eat the flowers and young tender foliage.¡ They are a serious problem for orchardists, blue berry and cranberry growers.¡ If the foliage opens on your trees and the leaves are full of pin holes chances are good that Winter moth larva are present.¡ They are small green and blend in well with the foliage.¡ Webbing can be seen around smaller ornamental tree branches long before the caterpillars are seen with the naked eye.¡ You can not control the insect in the bud without a systemic insecticide that would need to be applied to the soil and take months to get into the vascular system of the tree.¡ Foliar spray application can begin when the leaves are ½-¾¡ fully foliated.¡ Not all trees foliate at the same time which adds to the equation.¡ In fact the spread of Winter Moth and Fall Canker worm is expected to grow.¡ If you had moths flying around last November and December you can expect the green eating machines this Spring.Home owners need to monitor their trees for signs of activity early.¡ Walk around your property and carefully examine your plants.¡ A magnifying glass can be quite helpful.¡ Although my gut instinct is that the caterpillar problem is going to be very active and more wide spread than last year.¡ I am reluctant to say this with any degree of certainty because &Mother Nature& plays by her own set of rules.¡ The projected frost on 03/26/12 with a week of cooler weather could be a big factor on egg hatch for Winter Moth.¡ You are better off to monitor and prepare for a problem that you may not have than to have a problem that you are not prepared for.What Can be done?A border spray application is what we recommend for control of Winter Moth.¡ We spray your whole border and everything inside the border.¡ We are running 2-3 crews.¡ We can not spray in the rain or if the wind gets above 15 MPH.¡ You need to call the office and talk with a representative.¡ They will address¡ cost, questions and concerns and put your property on our spray list if you wish.¡ We have to go to the properties on the list first in order to be fair to all our customers.I was fortunate to be able to attend a seminar several weeks ago which featured some of the top entomologists in New England.¡ Each guest speaker had their own topic.¡ Several spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth, one spoke specifically about the increase of wood ticks and one spoke specifically about mosquitoes.¡ It was extremely informative with too much detail to explain in this article.The entomologists that spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth,¡ agreed with my comments about the egg hatch.¡ There will be heavy populations hatching by the end of March and maybe earlier if the weather stays real warm.¡ A great website for caterpillars and other insect information. The entomologist that spoke about wood ticks said they were on the increase.¡ One in five Deer Ticks will carry Lyme Disease.¡ Protect your self while in wooded habitats with long pants.¡ Check your body and your children daily for ticks.¡ You can spray your woods border, turf and shrubs with a barrier insecticide application which will reduce tick populations.¡ Applications should be made in May, June and July in a normal year.¡ We offer these services.¡ If you apply insecticides yourself.¡ Read the label, it must be registered for tick control, the application rate will be on the label.¡ Mix the insecticide at the required rate do not add more.¡ Wooded borders in the forest duff or forest floor is their favored ground but tall grassy areas will also yield high populations of ticks.¡ A great website for much more information on wood ticks is www.tickencounter.org .¡ A Deer tick has to be feeding on you for twenty four hours before the Lyme disease can enter your blood stream.¡ The entomologist that spoke about mosquitoes said that the amount of stagnant water in small pools will have a direct effect on how many mosquitoes hatch.¡ Check your property for any container like a trash can or five gallon bucket or anything that will hold small amounts of water.¡ They will breed mosquitoes. So dump out any water that you find.¡ Check the screens in your house for holes.¡ Mosquitoes can carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis, EEE and West Nile Virus, WNV.¡ Once again protect yourself and your family.¡ A barrier insecticide application will repel mosquitoes and ticks in one application.¡¡ If you have to go out at dusk put on a mosquito repellant and or wear a long sleeved shirt.¡ Plymouth County¡ will spray your property for you on request.¡ You must call 781-585-5450.¡ They will spray your property for up to ten requests beginning Memorial Day through Labor Day.¡¡ Be patient this is a so called free service which we all¡ pay for in our taxation.¡ Many try to take advantage of this so the list to be sprayed can be long.¡ A website for more information mosquitoes, EEE and WNV is www.plymouthmosquitoe.com¡¡ Plymouth County Mosquitoes Control will be testing mosquitoes for EEE and WNV in Lakeville and Middleboro as soon as they emerge.¡ If high numbers of infected mosquitoes are found aerial application of insecticide will probably take place.¡ You can also contact your represenative's and inform them about how you feel individually about aerial spraying for mosquitoes whether¡ it be pro or con."Spraying"You need a good sprayer and a bucket truck to spray trees this size. We can hit 80-90' on a calm day from the ground."Caption"A large Red Oak about 100' in height"In order to protect the trees on your landscape, we offer state-of-the-art tree spraying; both as part of a year-round pest control and disease prevention program, and as spot treatment for specific insect control problems. We time our spraying program to insect vulnerablities and attempt to minimize any damage that can occur.Our arborists can spray trees identify, treat and prevent common problems associated with the trees and shrubs on your property."Click images to enlarge"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"Winter Moth Caterpillars, Wood Ticks and Mosquitoes "During the past ten years many in Plymouth County had to deal with those nasty caterpillars.¡ The staff at Mockingbird Hill Tree < Lawn Care LLC has been fielding calls on this subject all Winter long.¡ It is hard to believe that people were thinking about the caterpillar problem so early.¡ But this goes to show how the caterpillar invasion has effected people.¡ We have looked at the devastation on many properties and rural road sides caused by repeated defoliation of many tree species.¡ The tree mortality will be very apparent once the trees foliate.¡ Healthy trees can only deal with defoliation several times.¡ Every time a tree has to set a second set of leaves during the growing Season the leaves will be smaller collecting less energy for the biomass of the plant.¡ This leaves less energy for the tree to foliate the next SpringThere is no simple answer to this question.¡ &Mother Nature& is unpredictable as she has shown us with weather in the past five years.¡ This past Winter was unseasonably warm which will have little effect on eggs hatching this Spring.¡ The Spring weather will have a direct effect on how many of the eggs that hatch survive.¡ If the weather remain warmer than usual the egg hatch could be a week or so early as well.¡ Eggs on the south side of a tree will hatch up to a week earlier than eggs on the north side of a tree.The Winter Moth larva and Fall Cankerworm hatch before bud break much closer to bud swell mid-April normally.¡ The eggs are in the bark crevices and can not be seen with the naked eye.¡ They will crawl into the buds before they open and eat the flowers and young tender foliage.¡ They are a serious problem for orchardists, blue berry and cranberry growers.¡ If the foliage opens on your trees and the leaves are full of pin holes chances are good that Winter moth larva are present.¡ They are small green and blend in well with the foliage.¡ Webbing can be seen around smaller ornamental tree branches long before the caterpillars are seen with the naked eye.¡ You can not control the insect in the bud without a systemic insecticide that would need to be applied to the soil and take months to get into the vascular system of the tree.¡ Foliar spray application can begin when the leaves are ½-¾¡ fully foliated.¡ Not all trees foliate at the same time which adds to the equation.¡ In fact the spread of Winter Moth and Fall Canker worm is expected to grow.¡ If you had moths flying around last November and December you can expect the green eating machines this Spring.Home owners need to monitor their trees for signs of activity early.¡ Walk around your property and carefully examine your plants.¡ A magnifying glass can be quite helpful.¡ Although my gut instinct is that the caterpillar problem is going to be very active and more wide spread than last year.¡ I am reluctant to say this with any degree of certainty because &Mother Nature& plays by her own set of rules.¡ The projected frost on 03/26/12 with a week of cooler weather could be a big factor on egg hatch for Winter Moth.¡ You are better off to monitor and prepare for a problem that you may not have than to have a problem that you are not prepared for.What Can be done?A border spray application is what we recommend for control of Winter Moth.¡ We spray your whole border and everything inside the border.¡ We are running 2-3 crews.¡ We can not spray in the rain or if the wind gets above 15 MPH.¡ You need to call the office and talk with a representative.¡ They will address¡ cost, questions and concerns and put your property on our spray list if you wish.¡ We have to go to the properties on the list first in order to be fair to all our customers.I was fortunate to be able to attend a seminar several weeks ago which featured some of the top entomologists in New England.¡ Each guest speaker had their own topic.¡ Several spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth, one spoke specifically about the increase of wood ticks and one spoke specifically about mosquitoes.¡ It was extremely informative with too much detail to explain in this article.The entomologists that spoke about the caterpillars, Winter Moth,¡ agreed with my comments about the egg hatch.¡ There will be heavy populations hatching by the end of March and maybe earlier if the weather stays real warm.¡ A great website for caterpillars and other insect information. The entomologist that spoke about wood ticks said they were on the increase.¡ One in five Deer Ticks will carry Lyme Disease.¡ Protect your self while in wooded habitats with long pants.¡ Check your body and your children daily for ticks.¡ You can spray your woods border, turf and shrubs with a barrier insecticide application which will reduce tick populations.¡ Applications should be made in May, June and July in a normal year.¡ We offer these services.¡ If you apply insecticides yourself.¡ Read the label, it must be registered for tick control, the application rate will be on the label.¡ Mix the insecticide at the required rate do not add more.¡ Wooded borders in the forest duff or forest floor is their favored ground but tall grassy areas will also yield high populations of ticks.¡ A great website for much more information on wood ticks is www.tickencounter.org .¡ A Deer tick has to be feeding on you for twenty four hours before the Lyme disease can enter your blood stream.¡ The entomologist that spoke about mosquitoes said that the amount of stagnant water in small pools will have a direct effect on how many mosquitoes hatch.¡ Check your property for any container like a trash can or five gallon bucket or anything that will hold small amounts of water.¡ They will breed mosquitoes. So dump out any water that you find.¡ Check the screens in your house for holes.¡ Mosquitoes can carry Eastern Equine Encephalitis, EEE and West Nile Virus, WNV.¡ Once again protect yourself and your family.¡ A barrier insecticide application will repel mosquitoes and ticks in one application.¡¡ If you have to go out at dusk put on a mosquito repellant and or wear a long sleeved shirt.¡ Plymouth County¡ will spray your property for you on request.¡ You must call 781-585-5450.¡ They will spray your property for up to ten requests beginning Memorial Day through Labor Day.¡¡ Be patient this is a so called free service which we all¡ pay for in our taxation.¡ Many try to take advantage of this so the list to be sprayed can be long.¡ A website for more information mosquitoes, EEE and WNV is www.plymouthmosquitoe.com¡¡ Plymouth County Mosquitoes Control will be testing mosquitoes for EEE and WNV in Lakeville and Middleboro as soon as they emerge.¡ If high numbers of infected mosquitoes are found aerial application of insecticide will probably take place.¡ You can also contact your represenative's and inform them about how you feel individually about aerial spraying for mosquitoes whether¡ it be pro or con."
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"Storm Damage"Storm Damage"Complete tree failure during a storm happens in two different distinct ways.¡ If the ground is very wet the tree can blow over with the root system rising out of the ground
with much of the root system intact.¡ This is generally a slower fall for the tree because the weight of the soil on the root ball slows down the tree falling.¡ Often when removing these trees from structures - a house, shed or barn - when ample weight is removed the main trunk will stand back up straight almost to its original state.¡ Many times the Evergreen trees even 30'-40' blown over can be straightened with ground anchors and live a long life.¡ If the ground is frozen and there is a decay section in the root flair this becomes the weak point in the plant.¡ This type of break is more of a snap with wind shear.¡ Healthy trees with no structural defect in the root flair will snap with the proper amount of wind shear generally between 8'-15' above the root collar.¡ The ground is frozen, the upper foliar crown has too much sail - foliage.¡ The weakest part of the plant is where the Pre-Mature crown - branches were when it was a young tree.¡ High wind shear will snap the main trunk of a tree at its weakest point.¡ This type of tree failure is generally the most damaging."Although Nature is unpredictable one thing for sure is that storm damage to trees will occur.¡ Heavy rains, wind shear, snow and ice storms damage and destroy trees.¡ The path of damage can be wide like a Hurricane or narrow and spotty during a micro burst.¡ Forecasting weather is ever changing with modern technology.¡ These days Massachusetts is even getting Tornado warnings.¡ Everyone needs to listen to all local forecasts.¡ These storms all have potential to damage plants , people and property.¡ Two of the web sites we follow are Accuweather which we check daily because their radar is the best and we can get hourly forecast of when the rain is moving in. The second is Cyclocane,¡ go to Storms - Active Storm names will be displayed with acess to current radar, satellite, wind speed, projected storm paths and a direct link to U.S. Severe Weather Outlook."If a tree or a large part of a tree crashes down on your house during a storm you need to approach and evaluate the situation with extreme caution.¡ Check inside the house for any visible structural damage first.¡ The attic needs to be checked for roof penetration but more importantly look for damaged electrical wires that could start a fire.¡ If you find damaged electrical lines shut off the main power source to the house.¡ Call the fire department and ask them for help.¡ If you are elderly call the fire department and tell them you have concerns about electrical wires being damaged by the tree that fell on your house.¡ Most fire departments are very good with this type of situation.¡ Do not go outside until the danger has past.¡ Meaning the high winds have passed and day light has occurred.¡ The darkness of night will only hide hazards that could be life threatening.¡ Look for any downed lines.¡ Treat all downed lines as if they were live with electricity.¡ In most storm damage situations the power lines have to be dealt with prior to any tree or branch removal."Snow Damage"Safe Tree removal"Storm damaged trees are the most hazardous for any experienced tree worker or home owner to deal with.¡ There are many hidden hazards.¡ Wind shear creates many different binds on branches that can fool the most professional tree worker.¡ Home owners thinking they can save money are most likely to end up with some type of injury, property damage or death.¡ This is serious work and should be left to the professionals.¡ How do you know they are professionals?¡ A professional will never knock on your door to solicit work.¡ Contact a Tree Company that can provide you with proof of insurance.¡ Otherwise you are putting your property at risk."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"stump grinding"Stump Grinding"Carlton"Click image to enlarge"Stumps in the middle of a well manicured lawn are an eye sore.¡ They are an obstacle when mowing.¡ Stump grinding will remove the stump to
a point that a lawn could be installed in the same spot.¡ The depth of grinding is determined by what one wants to do with that area.¡ Turf installation will require a depth of 6&-8&.¡ Planting small shrubs the grinding depth would be about 12&.¡ To plant a large tree would require the complete removal of the stump by back hoe or excavator.¡ You can plant a large tree close to the old stump but not exactly where the stump was.¡ Stump grinding is always the less expensive option."We have two different stump grinders.¡ A Carlton which is self propelled and can go through a 36& gate and a larger Vermeer which is toed behind a truck or a small tractor."The Carlton can be lifted over fences to get into areas."We can build bridges to access stumps."It can take as much time to clean up debris as it will to do the grinding, sometimes more time is required to clean up."The Vermeer is a little bigger and faster on large stumps.¡ A 20 H.P. front end loader with four wheel traction make clean up go quickly.¡ Stump grinding debris make for great compost materials."If you want to save some money you can clean up the grinding debris your self.¡ All you neen is a wheel barrow a rake and shovel.¡ If you want we can remove all grinding and replace with loam and seed it to."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Insects trees"Insects and Trees"There are many different species of spidermites.¡ They attack evergreens and deciduous plants.¡ Populations can grow at a very fast rate if weather conditions are righ
t."Spidermites"Hot, dry conditions are often associated with population build-up of spider mites. Under optimal conditions (approximately 80 °F or 27 °C), the two-spotted spider mite can hatch in as little as 3 days, and become sexually mature in as little as 5 days. One female can lay up to 20 eggs per day and can live for 2 to 4 weeks, laying hundreds of eggs. A single mature female can spawn a population of a million mites in a month or less. This accelerated reproductive rate allows spider mite populations to adapt quickly to resist insecticides, so chemical control methods can become somewhat ineffectual when the same pesticide is used over a prolonged period."Spider mites are less than 1 millimeter (0.04 in) in size and vary in color. They lay small, spherical, initially transparent eggs and many species spin silk webbing to help protect the colony from preditors; they get the 'spider' part of their common name from this webbing.¡ "Light browning of needles with apparent webbing is a tell tale sign of spidermite activity.¡ Early identification is paramount to control.¡ Spidermite kill plants.¡ Dormant oil is used to control eggs in the Spring.¡ Severe infestation will require several crawler spray applications during the Summer months.¡ The next season crawlers sprays can be reduce as control gets better.¡ After several seasons the application can be reduced to dormant oil in the Spring."Hemlock Woolly Adelgid"The insects came from Asia.¡ They have no natural predator in New England area.¡ The adelgid is a small aphid like insects that threatens the health of Eastern Hemlock, Tsuga Canadensis, and Carolina Hemlock, Tsuga Caroliniana.¡ Decline and mortality typically occur within four to ten years after infection.¡ If conditions are right for the insect this can happen in three to six years."The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid is small, less than 1/16 - of an inch.¡ It varies from dark reddish brown to purplish black in color.¡ You can not see the insect with the naked eye.¡ When mature it produces a covering of wool like wax to protect itself and eggs.¡ This also stops the eggs from drying out.¡ This &wool covering& can easily be seen and in early stages may look like bird droppings.¡ In fact birds are the main method of dispersal for the insect.¡ Do not hang bird feeders in your Hemlocks this will only increase your chances of getting the Hemlocks infected."Infections will start at the bottom needles of the plant.¡ HWA like it cool.¡¡ HWA are parthenogenetic, all individuals are female with asexual reproduction.¡ HWA has six stages of development, the egg, four nymphal instars , and the adult.¡ The Winter generation develops from early Summer to mid Spring the following year.¡¡ June-March.¡ The Spring generation develops from Spring to early Summer. March - June.¡ HWA will lay up to 100 eggs in the Spring generation.¡ Winter generation can lay up to 300 eggs.¡ Populations build quickly.¡ HWA go dormant during the heat of Summer.¡ They do not actively feed until cooler temperatures occur."Dormant oil applications are generally the most efficient way to control HWA.¡ Spring and Fall application in heavy infestations.¡ A systemic insecticide may also be used."Gouty Oak Gall"Most leaf galls on oak cause little or no harm to the health of a tree. However, twig or branch galls may cause injury or even death to a heavily infested tree. Two common species of twig gall-producing insects are the horned oak gall wasp, Callirhytis cornigera (Osten Sacken), and the gouty oak gall wasp, C. quercuspunctata (Bassett). "These species are in the insect family Cynipidae. Both the horned oak gall wasp and the gouty oak gall wasp are known to occur from southern Canada to Georgia. Each of these galls may be diagnosed by their unique characteristic size, shape, and color."There are a variety of gall-forming species of small wasps that commonly infest oak, Quercus spp ."In early spring a tiny wasp of the cynipidae family emerge from woody stem galls. The females lay eggs on the veins of the oak leaf buds. Male and female wasps emerge from these tiny, blister type galls on the leaf vein about mid summer. Mated females deposit eggs in young oak twigs. The next spring small swellings develop on the twigs and enlarge over the next two or three years. The galls provide protection, food, and shelter for the developing larvae. When the larvae reach maturity, the horned galls developed small spines or horns, Gouty oak galls have no spines, they are most prevalent in our area. An adult wasp emerges from each gouty / horned and another life cycle of wasps begins."In the past we have not tried to control this pest.¡ In the past the gall insect has only attacked limited Oaks on a property.¡ We are now seeing numerous out breaks of this pest on many properties.¡ & Mother Nature& is changing, this pest is becoming much more prevalent then it has in past years.¡ If caught early a systemic foliar application of insecticide will stop the eggs in the leaves in the Spring.¡ A Fall soil injection of systemic insecticide for one year.¡ This program is only recommended for feature trees."Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"tree care"Mockingbird Hill Tree Care Services"&Old Trees are like Family, Irreplaceable& "Is it really only about the money? "Deep Root Fertilization"We can help you create an outdoor living environm
ent that is beautiful, healthy and safe. Proactive tree service and tree protection through preventative maintenance will help to protect your property value. We can diagnose and treat tree diseases with the knowledge of our local environment and its challenges. We continuously educate our staff in current conditions. If you are new to tree service and want to learn more, we have provided extensive information on our website and demonstrate some of the techniques and results we offer.We use environmentally-sensible approaches. Our arborists will design a tree care and plant health care program that addresses the specific conditions of your landscape as well as your personal preferences and eco-sensibilities. Enjoy peace of mind when you choose to work with a company that is passionate about tree care,An arborist is a professional who cares for trees and other woody plants by pruning, fertilizing, monitoring for insects and diseases, consulting on tree related issues, and occasionally planting, transplanting and removing trees."Tree experts at Mockingbird Hill provide experience, reliability and expertise in environmentally sensible tree, shrub and lawn care programs. We're proud to be able to improve the quality of life in the communities we service by providing unique tree services that preserve and enhance the environment."Our Services include: Cable < BracingInsect < Disease Diagnosis/ManagementPlanting RecommendationsPlanting < TransplantingPruningStump GrindingTree RemovalTree ValuationOrnamental Tree and Shrub Pruning"We also offer"Click to learn more"Click to learn more"When I am old and gray,close to withering away,I hope that many will say,Love that old treeI spent many of my early days up and above,for practically nothing but love,as I aged and matured, my profession endured.Many will ask does money grow on trees,but only few will listen to the breeze.So it is we the few that have so much to do,to help others love that old tree.We can not fail,for the world will become pale,however I am confident that we will avail,for that old tree.As my time will eventually pass,I hope that all in the world will at last,Respect that old tree.As the educator teach's their students,be careful not to be prudent.The knowledge is for all to know,so the world will continue to grow.Many have assisted me down this road,only to help lighten my load.It was their insight about me,that has allowed me the truth of this old tree.So when you pass by that old tree,I hope some will think of me.As I will be,In the heart of that old tree."Tom SimmonsDec 17, 1996"Seasoned Firewood"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"Untitled Page"2012 Christmas Tree FarmClosed for the SeasonHappy New Year!"Time to rake up the
leaves"Fall Cleanups"and clean your gutters! "Storm DamageTree Removal, Cabling and Bracing"Bundles can be purchased in many local stores."Seasoned Firewood"Farm OpensNov 30"Christmas Trees"
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"Weed control"Weed Control Results"Roundup Results Realized in just One Month"Turn this ... Into This!"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabl
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"Why Mockingbird Hill "Why should you hire Mockingbird Hill for any service or product? This is the first question you should ask of any service company, store, or contractor you would consider to hir
e or shop at. Mockingbird Hill is a small Family business. We have strong Family values. All requests for recommendations about work tasks related to Tree Care, Removals, Lawn Care or landscape services are treated in the same manner. Our ideology with reference to customer satisfaction holds true regardless whether its is a service we provide or a product we sell. Property evaluations are free of charge unless it is in reference to a legal suite or an insurance claim. Appointments are scheduled to meet with the clients to address their concerns. We listen to the client as they explain what their individual goals are. Sometimes the & Significant other&, may have other opinions about what is to be done on the property. This is a more common scenario then one might think. This is what separates us from other companies offering the so called same services. We listen, we educate, we address &Pro's and Con's& about a perspective work tasks. Will this work task result in a higher re- sale property value? The last question we ask ourselves is & If we lived here would we do this project in this manor?& Often the answer is no and we explain why. Often we are told we are selling ourselves out of work. We tell them &No we have been honest with you and it will save you money, sooner or later you will have work that needs to be done that we agree with which will add to your re-sale value of the property. When that happens the client will come back to Mockingbird Hill because we were honest with them. We believe that a educated client is the best client any company can have.Our staff is fully trained in the skills requried for safe climbing, preservation and use of pesticides. The long term experience of the leaders insured that your job will be done correctly, safely and leave your property looking better than when we arrived.When we and our staff work with you, we treat your property and its surrounding environment with respect. This includes informing neighbors of future tasks if necessary, maintaining your home and other items keeping them free from damage and mess, speaking to you curteously and explaining our recommendations for your approval."Why Mockingbird Hill"Knowledge Experience Integrity Quality Work"Family Business"Free Property Evaluations"Listening to our client"Respect for nature, client, environment "You will feel comfortable with the contractor you can trust!"Specialized skills of staff "* We respect the individual, and believe that individuals who are treated with respect and given responsibility respond by giving their best.* We require complete honesty and integrity in everything we do.* We make commitments with care, and then live up to them. In all things, we do what we say we are going to do.* Work is an important part of life, and it should be fun. Being a good business person does not mean being stuffy and boring.* We are frugal. We guard and conserve the company's and client's resources with at least the same vigilance that we would use to guard and conserve our own personal resources."* We insist on giving our best effort in everything we undertake.Furthermore, we see a huge difference between &good mistakes& (best effort, bad result) and &bad mistakes& (sloppiness or lack of effort).* Clarity in understanding our mission, our goals, and what we expect from each other is critical to our success with clients.* We are believers in the Golden Rule. In all our dealings we will strive to be friendly and courteous, as well as fair and compassionate.* We feel a sense of urgency on any matters related to our customers. We own problems and we are always responsive. We are customer driven."Pesticide Licenses"Why hire when you can do it yourself?"close"Lakeville MA"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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"gallery christmas tree 2013"Christmas Tree Farm Gallery"Christmas family"Hayride to Christmas tree"Click images to enlarge"hayride"Santa family"Riding"Reindeer ride"About Mockingbird Hill"Lakeville M
A"Since 1987"508-947-6712"Weather Forecast"Trees"Tree¡Care"Removal"Stump¡Grinding"Cabling"Storm¡Damage"Pruning"General¡Pruning"Fruit¡Trees"Ornamental¡Tree¡and¡Shrub"Hedge"Large¡Tree"Tree¡Insects"Scale¡Insects"Tree¡Insects"Eastern¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Gypsy¡Moths,¡History¡and¡Life¡Cycle"Forest¡Tent¡Caterpillars"Fall¡Web¡Worms"Tree¡Diseases"Black¡Knot"Anthracnose"Drought¡Stress"Rhizosphaera¡Needle¡Cast"Insects¡and¡Diseases¡"Insect¡and¡Disease¡Control¡Services"Spraying"Moths,¡Ticks¡and¡Mosquitoes"Planting"Landscaping"Rhododendron¡Reduction"Deer¡Damage"Spring/Fall¡Clean¡Up"Brushog¡Mowing"Maintenance¡-¡Weeding"Deep¡Root¡Feeding"Christmas¡Trees"Christmas¡Trees"Firewood"Christmas¡Gallery¡2013"Christmas¡Gallery¡2012"About"Why¡Hire¡Us?"History"Special¡Projects"Brushog¡Transforms¡brush¡overgrowth¡to¡Lawn¡area"Bull¡Pine¡Tree¡Removal"Large¡Tree¡Removal¡Start"Crane¡and¡Equipment"Completion¡of¡Tree¡Removal"Buried¡Alive¡Tree"Large¡Tree¡Extraction¡from¡Pond"Snow¡Bend¡Hedge"Pruning¡<¡Cabling¡Large¡Red¡Oak"Long¡Driveways"Very¡Long¡Arborvitae¡Hedge"Contact"Home"
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